Sunnydale Adventist Elementary School is taking John 15 to heart. Students are learning about the importance of agriculture and enriching the campus with a variety of fruit. As students have spent time learning how to prepare, plant and maintain a garden/orchard, they have also learned about responsibility, resourcefulness and perseverance.
“A greater effort should be made to create and to encourage an interest in agricultural pursuits. Let the teacher call attention to what the Bible says about agriculture: that it was God’s plan for man to till the earth; that the first man, the ruler of the whole world, was given a garden to cultivate; and that many of the world’s greatest men have been tillers of the soil” (Ellen G. White, Education, 219).
Having students take part in agriculture has many positive outcomes. They are better able to think long-term and generate plans. Their cooperative skills increase, and classroom behavior improves when they take part in outdoor learning. When asked what they like about agriculture, students stated: ‘I like getting my hands dirty!’; ‘It’s cool to see the plants grow’; ‘Being outside is always better than inside’; ‘I love eating the berries.’
The Regenerative Agriculture for Youth program has already added over 300 berry plants to campus. A generous donation from Hartmann’s Plant Company just added another 375 plants. There are many varieties of blackberries and raspberries, including yellow, black and purple raspberries. The long-term plan is to teach students about vine maintenance and harvest as the vines grow.
Students have also been learning to plant and tend fruit trees. The RAY program put in an orchard by the elementary school. It is home to 45 different varieties of apples, peaches, plums and apricots. Students have taken an interest in the growth and development of these trees since they have a personal connection to them. They enjoyed their first apple harvest this year. Eventually, the fruit sales will benefit our school and our students. At Sunnydale Adventist Elementary, it is our goal to truly bear good fruit!
Kirsten Mathis is the principal of Sunnydale Adventist Elementary School.