When the Grand Island Church in Nebraska was faced with the reality that we would not be able to continue having a church school, no one thought that just one year later God would open the doors with miracle after miracle of providing everything we needed every step of the way. Being a part of a smaller community, finances and interest can quickly become a reality check. 

Even though the vote nearly went 100 percent for closing the Platte Valley Adventist School, it was clear that it was not because we did not want or believe in Christian education. There was an expressed desire that we would strive to, once again, one day be able to offer a school where the children could learn not only the 3 R’s, but also learn more about Jesus and grow more in love with Him. 

When the church board voted to form a committee to begin to explore the re-opening of the school, God began working His miracles as only He can. God provided—and continues to provide—for every financial hurdle through His wonderful people who have opened their hearts and given liberally toward the cause which the Lord’s servant has identified as such an important priority. 

Due to the shortage of teachers and not having a full year to conduct a search, we were concerned about securing a teacher. It seemed we would have to delay the re-opening yet another year. Once again, God demonstrated His faithfulness by providing a wonderful Christian named Cheryl Magallanes who deeply loves Jesus and lets that love guide her in teaching and caring for her students! As a church family we praise God and give Him all the glory for His goodness and love!

Abel Santiago pastors the Grand Island, Hastings and Aurora churches in Central Nebraska.