Two elementary schools’ programs have helped increase enrollment and involvement in their schools.

Springfield Seventh-day Adventist Junior Academy has a homeschool program where homeschooled children can attend the school on Wednesdays for classes. These classes are focused on STEAM: Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math. Fifteen homeschoolers attend weekly.

Due to the group size (23 total including those enrolled at the school full time) half the students do PE while the other half do the STEAM activity. During PE, the group takes swimming or gymnastics taught at the Springfield Gymnastics and Aquatics Center.

“I have seen this [program] really help the relationship between our large homeschool community and our school,” said Amanda Fender, teacher at Springfield.

Additionally, an innovative program has started at the Sedalia Seventh-day Adventist School. This year they have a new program, Forest School, which places an emphasis on nature. Students spend two or more hours outside daily as part of their curriculum.

Enrollment at the school has doubled in comparison to last year. Principal and teacher Jeff White said this is partially due to Forest School. The program was an attractive element to parents considering different area schools, according to White.

White said he enjoys being able to teach outside and considers some of the unique lessons he is able to teach because of the environment “priceless.”

“As a teacher, one loves being able to challenge students physically by allowing them to run, jump, dig and build while mentally challenging them by incorporating their lessons into their time outside,” White said.