There are two reasons I find compelling for God’s existence, besides the intricacy of our world. The first is how we react to death. Universally, people can’t take death in stride. If this was the original plan for our world and simply the circle of life, humans should be able to accept death. Instead, losing someone we’re close to – even at an advanced age – is devastating. I believe this is the echo of our original design, created to live together forever. The Bible says, “God has planted eternity in the hearts of men…” Ecclesiastes 3:11 (TLB).

The second reason is one I think of here in the season of Thanksgiving. It’s how vital gratitude is to happiness. It’s widely researched and acknowledged that an attitude of thankfulness has positive effects and the act of gratitude suggests a Person or Entity to be grateful to. If there’s no giver, who do we thank? Our need to give thanks points to a Creator who gave us every good gift. It is our innate awareness of this universal reality that compels us to want to thank Someone for it. It’s a natural, symbiotic relationship and if we take ourselves out of it by refusing to give thanks, we suffer.

If there’s no giver, who do we thank?

In Mere Christianity, C.S. Lewis points to our moral code as further evidence. We simply don’t consider every action permissible, which suggests a law. Actions either align with this law or oppose it. Because of who God is, that law is love. I once heard Ty Gibson explain that the original language of the 10 Commandments was promises. “If you know Me, you won’t kill,” etc.

If God were any less good or if He were not love, it would be terrible news that God exists. But because He is love, it’s the best news ever.