Have you ever wondered how so many wonderful things we see at church are accomplished? We hadn’t either! That is, until this past Christmas, 2023. The church had beautiful decorations at the front of the sanctuary and throughout the building. Week by week, all those attending church online and in person enjoyed the lovely, creative and inspiring design. While at the church mid-week, just before Christmas, we discovered the artist who created the display. She was carefully touching up the delightful arrangements. It was then we realized that the wonderful things we may often take for granted resulted from a church member’s devotion! And from their spiritual gifts.

Think of the time you, or a loved one, was baptized. Consider all that went into making that moment even more special. Each baptism and commitment to Christ is a celebratory experience. Church family members worked behind the scenes to make the moment exactly right. Who drew the water for the baptistry? Who prepared the garment you wore and saw to it that it was ready for the next baptism? Someone arranged the audio so the entire congregation could hear the pastor share a bit about your commitment to Christ. 

Our sanctuaries are well-lit. An observant worker replaces burned out light bulbs. The furnace runs in winter, and we are comfortable as we worship. So many spiritual gifts come together in service to the Lord. Consider the preparation of our Sabbath school teachers. We all have opportunities to share and witness, offer Bible studies, and more. Did you enjoy a potluck recently? Maybe a kind friend invited you to their home for Sabbath dinner. What a blessing!

Our sanctuary decorator, Marcia McSweeny, said, “I’ve always loved beautiful things. I know our Creator does also because He created such a variety of beautiful things – flowers, trees, animals, stars, everything! My talents have developed over the years; I think that’s because I opened myself up to using them. Lately, I thought, whatever I do, I should try to do it to the best of my ability. So that has been my motto and I think that’s what God expects of us.”

Gratitude and Spiritual Gifts

As we contemplate all the blessings we experience as a Christian family, let’s take the time to recognize and be grateful for the little and the big things. We can encourage each other and express our appreciation. The number of kindnesses, hard work, and gifts expressed by our church families is countless!

Each of us should ask, how can I best serve the Lord?

We are encouraged to discern our spiritual gifts. The New International Version tells us in 1 Cor. 12:4- 6 that “there are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work.”

As we learn and employ our God-given spiritual gifts, the generous, gift-giving spirit of Christmas will be enjoyed all year long. 

Carol Bradley is a member of the Cedar Rapids Church in Iowa.