Brentwood Adventist Elementary School

I like to talk about Jesus. I like sledding. I like to snowboard. I’m excited to go to heaven. God is good. I’m still learning about God. Also, my friends and I like playtime, but snowboarding is the best. And I like going to church. Church is like our school. God is the key to go to heaven. God is glory and holy. Pray to Him for wisdom.

Zyan  completed his 2nd grade year at Brentwood Adventist Christian School in Bismarck, North Dakota.



Hillcrest Adventist Elementary School

My classmates and I read the Bible every day and this helps my friendship with Jesus to grow. It tells me what Jesus has done for others since the creation of the world and if He’s done it for others, He’ll do it for me too! We also ask Jesus to help us when we pray and then we see how He does help us. This lets me know that Jesus is real and He cares about me.

Clara completed 4th grade at Hillcrest Adventist Elementary School in Jamestown, North Dakota.


Hillcrest Adventist Elementary School

My friendship with Jesus grows at Hillcrest when I sing praises to Him every morning with my teacher and friends at worship time. The songs remind me of Jesus and all the great things He does for me.

This makes my love for Jesus grow real BIG! When I listen to the Bible stories it helps me learn about Jesus and then I want to share Bibles, praises, and how much I love Jesus with Dad and Mom, friends, and the whole church.

Addy completed her kindergarten year at Hillcrest Adventist Elementary School in Jamestown, North Dakota.