The V. Lindsay Seventh-day Adventist School in Kansas City, Kansas, hosted its third annual Back to School Splash last July. The Back to School Splash, sponsored by V. Lindsay alumnus Stephen R. Williams, donated backpacks filled with school supplies to over 200 children, entertained approximately 350 guests, and provided V. Lindsay families, local churches, and the surrounding community with a family event filled with live music, games, food, and vendors. Participants greatly enjoyed the water activities such as slip and slides, wet bounce houses, waterslides and a bubble machine.

Williams sponsors this now annual event because of his belief in the need for and power of Christian education and  V Lindsay School in particular. Although the days and weeks before the event are stressful, he is already considering themes and looking forward to V Lindsay’s next back to school event.

Information provided by the Law Office of Stephen R. Williams, LLC

To learn more about the V. Lindsay school visit