School Lesson for October 17-23, 2020

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In discovering what the biblical worldview is, we will explore…

  • the two main worldviews: one with God, and the other without (Sunday)
  • why the doctrine of Creation is so important to our worldview (Monday)
  • how other doctrines in the Scriptures support the biblical worldview (Tuesday)
  • why the doctrine of redemption–our re-creation– is also important to our worldview (Wednesday)
  • what is different about God’s moral code, His law, and why is it essential to our worldview (Thursday)


We hear a lot about having a worldview these days, so this week we’ll work on identifying the worldview of a true Christian. And in the process, perhaps we can clarify what our own current view of the world is compared to that ideal.

First of all, a worldview is simply a filter that helps us interpret the world around us. You may have noticed the various lenses packed about by a professional photographer. Well, think of those different lenses as worldviews. Each of them will allow the viewer to see his or her surroundings differently. That’s why our worldview is so important.

Many are rattled and troubled when they discover their worldview changing. But, keep in mind, this process is normal. As we change, so does our worldview. Let’s make sure we’re getting closer to the biblical one that we are studying this week.

Memory Verse: “The eyes of the Lord are in every place, keeping watch on the evil and the good.” Proverbs 15:3 NKJV

Sunday: “The Eyes of the Lord”

Some people have trouble even processing the fact that there is a God. They honestly feel that their reality consists only of the material, natural world they live in. The supernatural does not exist, when this atheistic worldview is adopted. However, people are provided little or no solid explanation for how our world or the universe came into being. Just that it did–somehow on its own.

Recognizing a divine source for our reality, however, at least allows us an explanation for many of the questions mankind has asked. Such as how life began, why we are here, and what happens to us when we’re gone.

When you go a step further and accept the biblical worldview, it allows you to come even closer to seeing the world through God’s filter. There is one constant we can reasonably rely on. And that is the word of God.

Keep in mind that the Bible isn’t perfect, however. After all, it’s been authored and delivered to us through imperfect humans. But, on the whole, it’s one of our best links to God.

From this biblical standpoint, we not only recognize that God exists, but that He is also intimately participating in the life we are now living.

Bible Verses to Consider:

Psalm 53:1 and Psalm 10:4

  • Why would an atheist be considered foolish and proud?
  • Why does not believing in God make someone evil in God’s eyes, even though they might be living and doing many good things?

Proverbs 15:3

  • What makes God’s viewpoint so much better than ours?

Isaiah 45:21 and John 3:16

  • Why does being a loving and just God make His worldview better than ours?
  • What kind of counsel is safe to take when we have a need of any kind?

Monday: Leibniz’s Question

The question of Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, a German mathematician and philosopher of the 17th century, was “Why is there something instead of nothing?” It’s the same question all of us ask: How did I get here? Even very young children usually bring up this topic to their parents.

When we examine this question in light of the Scriptures, the first verse from Moses settles the matter. “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” (Genesis 1:1) It’s assumed throughout the rest of the Bible that God exists and is our Creator. No other teaching in the Bible makes any sense unless that one principle is accepted.

When we water down or downplay the Creation story found in Genesis through some kind of theistic evolutionary idea, we are on dangerous ground. This tendency to change the narrative causes many  to mock the rest of God’s book, and question many of its most valuable teachings.

Bible Verses to Consider:

Genesis 1:1 and John 1:1-4, 14

  • How was Christ involved in the Creation of the world?
  • Why is light so symbolic of God’s purpose for this planet?

Exodus 20:8-11 and Revelation 14:6, 7

  • What makes the teaching of creation so important for mankind?

Job 12:7-10

  • How does a study of nature encourage us to believe that God is our Creator?

Tuesday: The Biblical Worldview

Recognizing that God exists, and even accepting the Creation story in Genesis, does not answer all our questions about the world. Many other teachings in the Bible must be discovered for a fuller disclosure of God’s plan for our salvation.

It helps to know…

  • that we struggle with evil forces–Ephesians 6:12
  • that the dead are “asleep” and “know nothing” until the Resurrection–Ecclesiastes 9:5
  • that it won’t be “peace and safety”, but “wars and rumors of wars” at the end of time–1 Thessalonians 5:3 and Mark 13:7
  • that Christ’s Second Coming will be visible to all–Revelation 1:7
  • that there is a millennium (a 1,000-year period) between the Resurrection of the good (called the first resurrection) and the evil ones (called the second death)–Revelation 20:5, 6

Satan has done all he can to confuse and deceive Christians today (Matthew 24:24). Some believe Satan does not exist, that our spirits live on after we die, that world peace is possible at the end of time, that the Second Coming of Jesus will be a secret rapture, and that the millennium will be a period of peace here on earth.

Bible Verses to Consider:

Ephesians 6:12, Ecclesiastes 9:5, 1 Thessalonians 5:3, Mark 13:7, Revelation 1:7, and 20:5, 6

  • How have each of these Bible doctrines been changed or undermined by Christians today?

Wednesday: Worship the Redeemer

If we are to love God wholeheartedly, enough to keep His law in the truest sense, we must go beyond belief that He is our Creator. God’s plan for our redemption from sin, our re-creation, must also be part of our worldview.

The love manifested at Calvary and the promise of our own resurrection at His Second Coming should be added incentive for us to keep God’s law. We must include the plan of salvation in our worldview, if we are to benefit most from this biblical outlook.

The everlasting gospel is seen right next to God’s creative powers in Revelation 14:6, 7. An understanding of both creation and re-creation are needed for us to worship God with all our heart.

A biblically-correct view of the Second Coming is most helpful as we prepare for this momentous event. It is just as important for us to adhere to sound teaching of this doctrine as it was for those who were waiting for the birth of Christ two thousand years ago.

Bible Verses to Consider:

John 1:1-5, 14

  • Why is it important to remember Jesus’ part in the creation of our world?
  • Why did Jesus come to us in earthly form? What purpose(s) did He have for coming here?

Revelation 14:6, 7

  • What is the “everlasting gospel”?
  • Why is it important to worship God as Creator AND Redeemer?

Thursday: The Law of God

There’s one more aspect of our worldview that must be examined. How do we know right from wrong?

There are many viewpoints of this issue taken by people today. But one seems to be prevalent, just as it was for the Israelites of old. It says at various times in the Bible that everyone did what was right in his own eyes (Deuteronomy 12:8 and Judges 17:6). This sounds much like today, with everyone having their own code of ethics to live by.

Whenever we ignore the clear counsel of God, expressed in the Ten Commandments, man has always found himself in trouble. Proverbs even says we are a fool, when we do it (Proverbs 12:15). The law of God was meant to serve as boundaries which should not be crossed without consequence. And the consequences are thus of our own making.

There is one thing the Law can’t do for us though. It can’t save us in the end. Romans 3:20 says, “by the deeds of the law no flesh will be justified”. But it goes on to say, “for by the law is the knowledge of sin”. So, the Law is valuable in pointing out our sin, just not in providing the solution. Only Jesus can do that. Just as only Jesus, through His Holy Spirit, can enable us to keep the commandments.

Even though the law of God is incorporated into one’s worldview, we can be in danger if we don’t see or use it correctly. We often incorrectly use it as a means of salvation, do in our own power instead of depending on God, or depend so much on grace that we ignore the details as we see fit.

Bible Verses to Consider:

Deuteronomy 12:8 and Judges 17:6

  • How do we see this philosophy in our modern era?
  • What is the solution for this problem, or is there one? Should we establish better laws, be a better example to our neighbors? What would you suggest?
  • How do we strike a balance between our laws infringing on people’s freedom of choice and protecting lives? What is the safest route to take when it comes to human laws and legislation?

Romans 3:20

  • Why can’t the Law save us?

Mark 12:29-31

  • Why did Jesus find it necessary to remind them of love as the motive for keeping God’s law?
  • Why is love so important for keepers of the Law today?
  • How was Jesus’ life a testimony, or witness, in favor of the Law?

Friday: Summary

Having a worldview that incorporates the teachings of the Bible is crucial to our religious education. The lessons taught in the Bible allow us to see the world from God’s viewpoint, and thus help us decide to follow Him, rather than Satan.

Whether it’s the story of Creation, Redemption, or any of the other revelations God has pointed out in the Scriptures, we understand God better when we stay in the Word.

Satan has attempted to alter, divert, and blind us, regarding the clear picture of God we are given in the Bible. But, through diligent study and prayer for divine wisdom, we can acquire a worldview that aligns with biblical teachings.

Our planet seems to be the testing ground for vindicating God before the universe. Lucifer’s defection and expulsion from the heavenly courts demand that we be informed of the battle going on in spiritual realms. The Bible is extremely useful in revealing the plan of salvation, which includes Satan’s defeat and our opportunity to be saved in the end.

This biblical worldview gives us the most satisfying answers to the questions of how we got here, where we’re going, and what our purpose is right now. Let’s keep the word of God in our hearts and minds, and keep Satan in his place too–as far away from us as possible.

Next Week: Jesus as the Master Teacher

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