Sabbath School Lesson for October 31-November 6, 2020

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We see more clearly this week why Jesus was our Master Teacher. Here are more lessons He taught us:

  • Instead of hiding in shame and guilt, Jesus invites us to come and talk to Him and receive forgiveness–Adam and Eve in the Garden after being deceived by the serpent. (Sunday)
  • Instead of running away in fear and defeat, Jesus comes to us with a message of hope and encouragement–Jacob at Bethel, running away from Esau after he deceived his father. (Monday)
  • Jesus, who was the God of Creation, was also recognized and addressed by His followers as “rabbi”, which means “teacher”. (Tuesday)
  • Jesus welcomes our assertive, persistent questions. We can always find a listening ear when we take our problems to Him–like the Gentile woman who asked Jesus to heal her daughter. (Wednesday)
  • Jesus understands our longing to have spiritual eyesight, as well as physical–from the healing of Bartimaeus, the blind beggar. (Thursday)


Stories in the Bible help us understand how Jesus is not only the Master Teacher, but also our Friend and Mentor. He encourages personal engagement and is willing to reach us where we’re at in our spiritual journey.

If there’s one thing that unites us as humans, it’s our constant failure to live up to the standards we know to be true and just. This lack of ability to reach our personal goals, if recognized, can draw us to Jesus, whom many have found to supply their spiritual longings for perfection.

Jesus’ perfect, humble, obedient life while on earth provides us with the best example of how to become our better selves. He not only leads us, but is longing to walk alongside us. This helps us see Him, not just as a teacher, but as a mentor, interested about all that happens in our life, no matter how much of a mess we’ve made of it.

Memory Verse:  “Then Jesus said to him, ‘Go your way; your faith has made you well.’ And immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus on the road.” Mark 10:52 NKJV

Jesus seemed to have just the right words to say to those who were searching for peace and deliverance. Sometimes they followed His advice, and other times they did not. Our freedom of choice is never jeopardized when we put our lives in God’s care. He recognizes faith in us, and, with our permission, will show us how to make that faith grow.

Sunday: Instead of Hiding

Hiding is so easy to do, and often is our first response, when problems become too difficult for us to bear on our own. Adam and Eve experienced that coping mechanism right after they sinned by eating the forbidden fruit. They tried desperately to hide their naked bodies from each other, but also from God.

God offers to cover us with His robe of righteousness, His garments of salvation (Isaiah 61:10). There is no need for us to hide behind our scanty fig leaves any more. Jesus has paid the penalty for what we’ve done. Guilt and shame no longer has to keep us in hiding.

If there was any lesson Jesus wants us to learn, it’s that He has provided a way out of our tumultuous failures. He reaches out to find us, before we even know we’re lost. The way to forgiveness is as simple as asking for it. God is waiting for us to come out of hiding. He won’t drag us out of our hiding place, but He calls us, hoping we’ll use His voice to find our way back.

Bible Verses to Consider:

Genesis 3:7-11, 21 and Isaiah 61:10

  • What lessons about death and their salvation would Adam and Eve have received from God’s form of clothing?
  • What do the fig leaves represent, as opposed to the skin coverings provided by God?

Romans 5:14, 15

  • In what way was Adam a type (someone or something in the Old Testament who represents something in the New Testament)? How does Adam represent Christ?

Monday: On the Run

Perhaps an even more desperate attempt to cope with our failures is to run from God. Jacob was broken and desperate after the deceptive way he received his birthright from his father Isaac. Running away seemed to be the only way out of his dangerous situation with his brother Esau.

But, you can’t outrun God; Jacob discovered that God travelled with him. The vision of a ladder going up and down to heaven could not have come at a better time for the troubled youth. Hearing God’s voice tell him that He would be with him, wherever he was, must have been very calming and fortifying to Jacob. See Genesis 28:10-17.

Jesus provides the same calming influence for His children today. He calmed the Sea of Galilee one night, but most importantly, He calms us. It’s up to us to stop running from God, and start listening to Him. He’s always there–just like when He was sleeping in the bottom of the boat with His disciples that stormy night. All they had to do was call for His help, and stop trying to save the boat on their own.

Bible Verses to Consider:

Genesis 28:16, 17 and Exodus 3:4, 5

  • Why is special care needed for any place where God dwells?

Hebrews 3:6 and John 14:23

  • What special care might be needed for these “houses of God”?

Tuesday: Rabbi Jesus

Jesus was called “Rabbi” by some of His first disciples, who had been followers of John the Baptist. Of course, John the Baptist recognized Jesus as the Lamb of God, someone whose sandal John didn’t feel worthy to loosen (untie). See John 1:27-29.

As a human, Jesus was a rabbi, or teacher of the people. But as God, He was also the highest ranking Teacher the world has ever seen. A master teacher is someone other teachers learn from, and this certainly describes the status and role of Jesus, the Master Teacher of all time, for all people.

There is no title on earth high enough to capture the matchless qualities of Jesus’ teaching abilities. But, we can follow, as much as possible, His example, including His compassionate, thought-provoking, and creative methods of teaching the people.

Bible Verses to Consider:

John 1:38, 49 and Matthew 16:24

  • Besides being a “Rabbi”, how did Nathanael understand who Jesus was?
  • What do we have to do in order to follow Jesus and learn from Him?

John 1:14

  • Why are grace and truth important elements in the character of any good teacher? How do these qualities encourage people to learn from us?

Wednesday: A Woman Talks Back

Another interaction Jesus had with someone deserves our attention. This story is found in two of the Gospels–Matthew 15:21-28 and Mark 7:24-30.

In the previous chapter of both accounts, it should be noted that John the Baptist had been beheaded. There had to have been some anxiety on the part of Jesus and His followers when they heard this news. Mark even mentioned that Jesus was staying at someone’s house, “and wanted no one to know it, but He could not be hidden” (Mark 7:24).

When a Gentile woman started calling out to Jesus to heal her daughter, we can understand why, out of  fear, His disciples would encourage Jesus to silence her (in addition to their innate prejudice against her as a Gentile). However, in the end, her persistence and determination won the Master’s approval, and He willingly fulfilled her request.

This story brings out the fact that at times God may come looking for us, but Jesus listens also when we call out to Him. He’s always listening and eager to answer our prayers. So, let’s remember to be bold in our requests, but at the same time, humbly willing for God to fulfill them as He sees fit. This Phoenician woman did both.

Bible Verses to Consider:

Mark 7:24-26

  • Since this story happens closely the account of John the Baptist’s beheading in the previous chapter, how were the disciples feeling about this Phoenician woman calling after Jesus?

Matthew 15:28 and Luke 7:8, 9

  • What was there about this woman’s request that indicated her strong faith?
  • How was her faith similar to the centurion’s who asked Jesus to heal his servant?

Thursday: A Student Who Gets It

One more lesson from Jesus we might learn as educators can be seen in the story of Bartimaeus (Mark 10:46-52). This blind beggar called out to Jesus to have mercy on him. Although the crowd told him to be quiet, he continued his calls for mercy.

When Jesus responded by stopping to see what was going on, He asked Bartimaeus what he wanted. It seems like it would be obvious that a blind man would want his eyesight, but Jesus, nonetheless, asked him the question. After being healed, Bartimaeus followed Jesus down the road, praising and glorifying God (Mark 10:52).

Teachers, and everyone who shares the gospel with others, should try to understand and respectfully listen to the ideas and desires of others. Don’t assume you know what they need. Allow them to verbally express their opinions. They may be closer to God than you think. Just as Bartimaeus had more faith than anyone realized.

We all need more spiritual eyesight and should be calling out in faith to God for it, just like Bartimaeus on the road from Jericho.

Bible Verses to Consider:

Mark 10:46-52

  • If Jesus were calling you and asked you what you wanted Him to do for you, what would you reply?
  • In what way are many people spiritually blind?

Friday: Conclusion

Let’s remember that Jesus is the same God who called out to Adam and Eve in the Garden after they sinned.

  • The same God who calls us to become His followers.

Jesus is the same God who spoke to Jacob in his vision of the ladder coming down from heaven.

  • The same God who has offered to be with us wherever we go.

Jesus is the same God who was recognized as “rabbi”, and who Nathanael saw as the Son of God.

  • We should also remember His divinity.

Jesus is the same God who listened to a Gentile woman’s request to heal her daughter.

  • The same God who listens to our undeserving requests and acknowledges our faith.

Jesus is the same God who restored Bartimaeus’ eyesight, after Jesus’ took the time to hear his petition.

  • The same God who patiently listens to our needs and often answers in a way that increases our spiritual eyesight.

Next Week: Worship in Education

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