Sabbath School Lesson for November 14-20, 2020

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Redemption can be understood best as we see it in the Scriptures:

  • Why God made us in His image–a look at Creation (Sunday)
  • Why Jesus is the perfect Teacher–a look at the Gospels (Monday)
  • What do the prophets tell us–a look at prophetic messages (Tuesday)
  • How can we benefit from wise sayings–a look at the psalms and proverbs (Wednesday)
  • What can we learn from the early church–a look at the epistles (Thursday)


Although we can’t earn our redemption from sin and death, there is much we can learn about the subject by studying the word of God. The Bible contains God’s invitation for us to know Him better. By immersing ourselves in its pages we are drawn closer to our Creator God. By following the instructions He has so thoughtfully placed there, we can feel this closeness even more.

God has always been in love with the human race and is longing to repair the broken relationship that came about because of our unfaithfulness and disobedience. Understanding what our redemption is all about makes us long even more for the day when our struggles will finally be over.

Memory Text:  “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.” 2 Timothy 3:16 NKJV

Notice this verse said “ALL Scripture”. This week we will receive an overview of how every part of the Bible has something to offer us. The Bible is the best educational tool we have in conveying what is involved in the redemption of mankind.

We should take advantage of every part of God’s word. In addition, the Holy Spirit directs us to those portions that are best suited for us at the time. Including the Holy Spirit every time you read God’s word helps immensely in our search for the truths God has for us in the Bible.

Sunday: In the Image of God

The purpose of God in making us in His image was no doubt so that He could teach us and we would have the capacity to know and love Him. God still longs to see His image in us.

This is similar to the longing of parents when their child looks, acts, or talks like them. God, like a parent, wants to have a relationship with us, even though our image has become so marred with sin through the generations.

Restoring that image of God in us is the goal of true education. Bringing us closer to the ideal image God intended is possible. As we learn about redemption from the pages of the Bible, each of us can become closer to our Creator and more like His holy image.

Bible Verses to Consider:

Genesis 1:26, 27

  • What are some of the ways mankind has drifted away from God’s image?
  • How can that image lovingly be restored?

Genesis 5:1, 3

  • Besides being made in God’s image, what does it mean that we are also made in the image of our parents?
  • How does this affect the restoration of God’s image in us?

Monday: Jesus as Teacher

Although many names and titles have been given to Jesus, those who lived with Him here on earth mostly referred to Him as “Rabbi”, or “Teacher”. The role of teacher here is understandable, since the goal of all good teachers is to better the lives of their students. That is also the purpose of our redemption from death and sin–to give us not only a better life, but an eternal one.

One of the Messianic prophecies found in Isaiah 11:1, 2 contains many educational terms (such as “wisdom”, “understanding”, “counsel”, “knowledge”). Christ, the Messiah, certainly contributed to the education of our souls.

Nicodemus addressed Jesus as “Rabbi”, even saying He was a teacher sent from God. See John 3:1-3. Whenever we teach the Word, declaring that we must be born again, we are also teachers sent from God. What a solemn message we have to deliver, but also a joyful one, since it brings us such hope and peace.

Bible Verses to Consider:

Isaiah 11:1-3

  • What kind of things are expected from the Holy Spirit through the offspring of Jesse, namely Jesus Christ?

John 3:1-3

  • Coming from a Pharisee, what was significant in how Nicodemus addressed Jesus alone that night?
  • How did Nicodemus conclude that Jesus was sent from God?

Tuesday: Moses and the Prophets

As 2 Timothy 3:14-17 points out, the Scriptures are a proven way to learn about God’s ways and His will for our lives. Since Paul mentions “all” Scripture here, we must not overlook the Old Testament writings by Moses and the prophets. They all have much to say about the Messiah to come, both concerning His First Coming in Bethlehem, and also the Second Coming, which we are preparing for now.

In addition, the Bible contains many examples of gospel teachers. There are writings that are historical, prophetic, or books designed to teach us how to worship (such as the Psalms, especially Psalms 1, 37, and 73).

The parables of Jesus also contribute to our learning about the kingdom of God, along with the practical counsel Paul gives the early church in his epistles.

Like Timothy was advised, we must utilize all the Scriptures, Old and New Testament prophets alike, as we try to understand the plan of redemption.

Bible Verses to Consider:

2 Timothy 3:14-17

  • Why is it important for even children to know what’s in the Bible?
  • How do we get the spiritual lessons down to a child’s level? And what about new Christians from a secular background?

Revelation 5:1-5

  • How does this scene remind you of a Teacher?

Psalm 73

  • What main lesson(s) can we get from this psalm?

Wednesday: Wise Men and Women

King Solomon comes to mind for most of us when we think of someone who was wise (1 Kings 4:29, 30). But the Bible record also mentions women who were wise. See 2 Samuel 14:2. Another wise woman may have been Anna, the prophetess who lived in the temple and recognized the Baby Jesus as the Messiah, when they brought Him there to be blessed. See Luke 2:36-38.

Not only does the Bible mention numerous wise men and women, but it even shares with us some of their wise sayings in the books of Proverbs and Ecclesiastes. Although Solomon was the primary author of these books, he admits to borrowing some of the sayings from other sources. It’s also believed editors may have revised some of his works.

Three things might be noted about wisdom in the Bible:

  1. It begins with God. Proverbs 1:7
  2. It’s important to get wisdom when you are young. Ecclesiastes 12:1
  3. It’s available to all of us through prayer. James 1:5

Bible Verses to Consider:

1 Kings 4:29-34 and 3:5-9

  • Where and how did Solomon get his wisdom?
  • Why did Solomon feel a need for wisdom?
  • For what purposes should we get and use our wisdom?

Psalm 53:1

  • What makes us a fool, and not wise?

James 1:5, 6 and Hebrews 11:6

  • Besides asking in prayer, what is needed for us to be wise?
  • What happens when we get knowledge without God?

Thursday: Education and the Early Church

The disciples had just a three-and-a-half year education with the Master Teacher. About the length of time we spend in high school or college. And just like them, our learning only begins during that time. There is much to learn in the years that follow.

For the disciples, they learned a great deal about grace, faith, unity, and many other things, as they strove to establish a new church movement called Christianity. We, likewise, should never feel like we have mastered everything there is to learn in the Bible. Throughout our lifetime, we continue to grow and mature following our baptism.

The Holy Spirit steps in, just like He did for the disciples during the early church period. He blesses our time with God. Jesus never stops living in our hearts when we remember to invite Him there. We will continue our education with Him throughout eternity.

We can have the “mind of Christ” (Philippians 2:5), which shows us the path of righteousness. We continually need the righteousness of Christ, in place of our own.

Bible Verses to Consider:

John 14:16-18 and 17:11

  • How and why does the Holy Spirit take the place of Jesus’ literal presence?
  • For what purpose did they need the Holy Spirit?

1 Corinthians 2:14-16 and John 15:19

  • How does the worldly (natural) man react to things that are spiritual?
  • What kind of judgment (or discernment) is helped by the Holy Spirit?

Friday: Conclusion

Redeeming us from sin and restoring God’s image in us is the theme, vision, and mission of Christian education. This is the reason why the Bible was given to us. It’s perhaps the most useful textbook on earth. It contains lessons about eternal life that will last us a lifetime and beyond. We never graduate from learning all there is to know about God.

Ellen White says in the book Education, p. 301: Heaven is a school; its field of study, the universe; its teacher, the Infinite One. A branch of this school was established in Eden; and, the plan of redemption accomplished, education will again be taken up in the Eden school.”

Both Psalm 37 and 1 Corinthians 2 are excellent chapters for explaining the plan of redemption. Give them your thoughtful attention this week as you sort out your own understanding of salvation as revealed in Scripture. As 1 Peter 3:15 reminds us, “… always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear.”

Next Week: The Church and Education

To read the Sabbath School Lesson Quarterly or see more resources for its study, go to