Philadelphia Church recently decided to step out each month and connect with the community by passing out goodies, tracts, study guides and cards. On the last Sabbath of the month, the church changes its schedule. Instead of having Divine Worship Service at 11 am, it moves to 9:30 am. After worship, the congregation takes over a corner in a surrounding neighborhood from 11 am until 1 pm. This is an opportunity for the community to interact with the local church and learn about Philadelphia Church. 

Begun by Pastor Keith Hackle, this program has proven to be successful based on the amount of people who stop and join in the festivities.

Hackle, who recently relocated to Agape Church in St. Louis, adds, “Our mission is to serve the community and spend time with them. Our method is we offer them refreshments and food, we pass out tracts and have music playing as we fellowship with them. We let them know we would love to see them at the next event, and if their schedule permits during the time in between we would love for them to join us for worship.

Our joy is, despite the weather (the first month was freezing), we carried on. We’re out there serving together and positively impacting our community. No one is ever turned away and everyone leaves with a smile.”

Sharon Tate is communication secretary for the Philadelphia Church in Des Moines, Iowa.