Michael Kern doesn’t regret participating in Sunnydale Adventist Academy’s mission trip to Livingstone, Zambia last spring, even though it means he may need to undergo surgery later this summer. Unfortunately, the first morning on the job site for building a primary school campus Michael re-broke his arm, originally injured on Christmas Day of 2014.

SAA staff members quickly took Michael to the Livingstone hospital, where his arm was X-rayed and placed in a plaster “cast” that was really more of a splint. Despite his pain, by noon Michael was back on the job site. That evening Michael preached at his assigned site—he never missed a meeting.

Between Feb. 25 and March 18 the Sunnydale team preached eight evangelistic meetings, built two churches, two Sabbath school structures and 13 buildings for the primary school. One-hundred-fifty baptisms resulted from the meetings.

When the team returned home Michael’s arm was placed in a new cast. Prayers are ascending that it will heal properly and not require additional medical care.

This article was also published in the July/August 2015 print edition of OUTLOOK. It was written by Gary Russell, principal of Sunnydale Adventist Academy.