As parents, we know how important it is to pray for our children every day. For those who like some structure in their prayer time (and help in remembering the most important things) here is a plan for praying specific requests and blessings for your offspring every day of the week.*


1.   On Sunday pray that your children will understand and embrace God’s WILL for their lives. (Jer. 29:11)

2.   On Monday pray that their WALK with God will be pleasing to Him. (Micah 6:8)

3.    On Tuesday prayer that their WORK for God will be productive. (John 15:5-8)

4.   On Wednesday pray that their WISDOM about God will increase. (Luke 2:52)

5.   On Thursday pray that your children will have strength to WITHSTAND trials and persecution. (1 Cor. 10:13).

6.   On Friday pray that their WITNESS for Christ will be strong. (Acts 5:42)

7.   On Sabbath pray for your children’s WORSHIP to be genuine. (John 4:23-24)


*Adapted from a post card I stuck in my Bible many years ago—source unknown.