The first day of school, Aug. 15, 2023, for the V. Lindsay Seventh-day Adventist School was like a party event for all the kids and parents who showed up. Led by the School Board chairperson, Pastor Greg Fontus, the school board members, pastors, and members from the constituent Kansas City churches, everyone joined together to welcome the scholars back to school. There were pictures being taken of the kids in front of the “celebrity” backdrop, and scrumptious fruit cups being served at the entrance hallway. All of our teachers, parents, staff, pastors, members and of course the kids were in a great mood, as we celebrated the beginning of another year of school.

There was a newness in the air as the V. Lindsay school received many new first-time students. As the saying goes, “you never get a second chance to make a first impression.” And we believe that this first impression was great and grand for all who were in attendance. 

The newness in the air is also due to a new lead teacher for our 5th-8th grade class: Mrs. Schari Fontus, who is also the new part-time superintendent of education for the Central States Conference. All of the dedicated teachers, Sasha Mann, Jessica Valentine, and Schari Fontus will need our support and prayers as they dive into the 2023-2024 school year. 

At the V. Lindsay School you will find a warm and friendly family atmosphere, which is conducive to our scholars’ learning and well-being. The school’s six core values are: Acceptance, Equity, Integrity, Leadership, Excellence and Respect. We believe that as these values are experienced by the children, parents and constituents, God will bless the school to thrive in the upcoming days, weeks, months and years ahead. 

The Word of God through the prophet Isaiah that “all of our children should be taught of the Lord” is still real and relevant for all of us in 2023. With the major decline in the moral and ethical fabric of our culture, there is an even greater need for the children in our churches and our communities to be taught the ways of God at an early age in the home, school and church. By the grace of God, the V. Lindsay Seventh-day Adventist School intends to do its part in not only blessing our children with excellent education, but more importantly with the gift of salvation. “In the highest sense the work of education and the work of redemption are one, for in education as in redemption ‘other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ’ 1 Cor. 3:11” Ellen White, Counsels for the Church, 202.

Pastor Cryston Josiah is vice president of administration for the Central States Conference.