When the Seventh-day Adventist Church began, it was small in number. It was by no means global. It was a group of like-minded believers who had a calling and listened.

The first General Conference Session–which formed the General Conference–had only 20 delegates. Twenty.

Today, more than 2,000 delegates plan to represents their region in the General Conference Session happening this week in St. Louis, Missouri. There will be many changes made to the Church Manual. There will be affirmations of work and mission. There will be nominations to offices throughout the General Conference administration. And yet, this is not what’s exciting to me. What I’m excited about is the worship. The global world church at worship.

I’m excited for the worship. Not just the worship service, which will be fantastic, I’m sure.

I’m excited for the fellowship–the taking walks together and sharing life together. I’m excited for the sharing–the asking about each others’ families. Singing. Smiling. Laughing. Praying. Sharing cabs. Listening as a son translates a beautiful message for his mother in her native language. Watching a team work together behind the scenes to make the whole thing work. People delivering meals for someone while they work long hours.

Worship is not just sitting in an auditorium while a person in a nice suit delivers a sermon. Worship is the love of God between His people. I’m excited for the what holds this worldwide church together. Love.

And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony.
– Colossians 3:14, ESV

So, I hope you’re joining us at GC Session this week, beginning Monday June 6 until June 11, in St. Louis, Missouri. If you can’t join through the week, join for Sabbath. If you can’t join in person, join virtually.

And if you do, bring all your love. Talk to the person next to you. Help carry someone’s luggage. Ask someone if they need their photo taken or their phone charged. See how many unique connections you can make with the worldwide church this week and this next Sabbath. I hope I see you there.

To find out more about attending GC Session in person click here.

To find out more about joining GC Session virtually click here.