Lifehouse international Seventh-day Adventist Church was first formed and did their first worship gathering which was the Bible study and prayer meeting on Wednesday March 11,2015, in Centennial Colorado.

With a total of 38 members, which was 7 families including adult and children and within 5 months the group had reached close to 64 active and inactive in membership.

The structure of Lifehouse International SDA Church began one week prior to March 11,2015, when the leader and the pastor of this group contacted Central States Conference located in Kansas City, and within a period of only 3 days Central States Conference sent a representative, Pastor Robert Coronado, as the multicultural director at that time to reach out to the leader and pastor of the group to have a plan on meeting in person, in order to plan for the establishment of an official worship group or association in accordance with the rules of the conference.

The arrangements were made and immediately on the very first Sabbath on that week Pastor Coronado went attended our first meeting on the Sabbath which on March 14,2015, at our first location 14190 E. Jewell Ave #3 Aurora CO 80012.

On the same day that Sabbath afternoon after long prayers in the sanctuary, they then divided into small group of prayers and asked for God’s guidance. The first official meeting from the conference and structure of the leadership was formed and officially Pastor Jantje Rumambi was appointed as a Bible Worker under the guidance of Pastor Coronado and the Central States Conference. The name of the church or group at the proposal of Pastor Coronado was Lifehouse International SDA Church, due to the goal where there were already several Adventist groups under the guidance of Pastor Coronado which was under the name of Lifehouse, in order to become training center of the souls for the Lord. We agreed and decided to name it International because it was very suitable for the existence of church members at that time who came from several ethnic backgrounds as well.

Due to the increased number of members the place of worship became inadequate. The Lifehouse church decided to move from a small place to a larger place after six months of service at Aurora location; so in September 2015 Lifehouse moved to a second church location at 8085 E. Hampden Ave, Denver, CO 80231. It was then that some new family members joined the Lifehouse church. There were many joint events that Lifehouse international did with other churches and even social events with faith development. After a few months later the conference appointed a new district pastor leader whose name was Pastor Rene Marquez. He served us and was a specialist in increasing the activity of our youth.

After several months of churching at the Denver location, the church found another place of worship which were closer to most of the members lives with some earnest prayers and efforts in 2017 the church found their third location in Aurora located at 1800 S. Tower Rd Aurora CO 80013.

In the same year the church had a tremendous blessing where the Central States Conference placed a new pastor who was very friendly and funny and passionate in the work of God, his name is Pastor Thomas Degyves, so many advantages that Pastor Tomas could speak Spanish very fluently.

And until now Pastor Tomas Degyves has been our head leader District Pastor and Multicultural Director at Central States Conference.

Under the support, guidance and direction of Pastor Tomas Degyves, on

May 5,2018 Lifehouse was inaugurated by Pastor Cryston Josiah and officially became a company.

  • In many occasions Lifehouse has invited so many guest speakers from Local to International speakers including conference leaders, Union, and GC, Christian radio founder and last but not least the well known Adventist Quartet The King’s Herald  Silver Angel Awards for “Excellence in Media”, including six for “Best Male Vocal Group”, fourteen for “Best Album” and a “Best International Broadcast” award for their own radio program, “Sounds of Praise Gold” Angel Award for being the oldest continuous Gospel Quartet in America.

Since 2018, realizing that Jesus could return at any time keeps the church focused.

We have the responsibility to share the gospel widely so that salvations will multiply. Believers and the church as a whole should want to take along as many people as possible into eternity.

So due to God’s work in motto “I want Jesus more than anything” has culminated in the Lifehouse congregation so for the first time Lifehouse International SDA Church held a big event an outreach ministry and Evangelistic Meeting in Parepei Indonesia with God’s Grace these events were brought 16 new souls young and adult to excepted Jesus as their personal Savior.

And the following year 2018 again Lifehouse International SDA Church did an evangelistic meeting with the same theme “I want Jesus more than anything” at Kauditan Indonesia and bring 48 new souls were baptized and excepted Jesus as their personal savior.

And once again in June 2-8 2019 Lifehouse made a big event and this time Lifehouse focuses on service through young people who as the main speakers at the evangelistic meeting in Manado city and praise God 64 new souls were baptized and accepted Jesus as personal Savior.

Since then, Lifehouse has been determined that evangelism meetings should be made every year, but unfortunately in the fourth year, covid disease has hit the whole world so that the ministry has stopped temporarily. But praise God evangelistic meetings will continue this year 2024, in May which next month and June, let’s pray together so that this Evangelistic Meeting event can run well for the glory of God’s name and the salvation of souls until His second coming.

Back in March 26, 2022 Lifehouse International SDA Church welcome Pastor Noldy Sakul & Pastor Robert Walean as additional pastors and was officially welcomed by President of the Mid-American Union Conference Pastor Gary Thurber.

At the beginning of 2023, for the first time, Lifehouse formed its first church choir under the leadership of Roger Rong & Nova Pan

Due to the time limit at our current location the church has decided to find a different location so the church can continue to do their afternoon activities such as seminars, family program, youth program and Choir Practice etc.

So temporarily the church moved to a nearby location at 18511 E. Hampden Ave #204 Aurora CO 80013 until the end of December 2023.

By God’s grace and plenty of earnest prayers by all members In February 2024 God gave the most comfortable place of worship and very flexible in time that is the place where now we are worshiping 5101 S. Dayton St Greenwood Village CO 80111.

In Decembar 2023 Pastor Jantje Rumambi was retired but still an active member and servant leader of our church.

Thank You for Pastor Rumambi Faithful Ministry” we express deep gratitude for your unwavering commitment we express deep gratitude for your dedicated service and spiritual guidance. Your tireless efforts have touched countless lives, leaving an indelible mark in our hearts.

Pastor Rumambi was replaced by Pastor Noldy Sakul as a lead Pastor and Pastor Robert Walean as a team of joint service to the Lord’s work.

Lifehouse International Church

Dear beloved brethren,

As we gather today to celebrate this momentous occasion in the life of our church, I am filled with gratitude and awe. Our journey has been marked by faith, perseverance, and unwavering commitment to the service of our Lord.

Today, we stand on the shoulders of those who came before us—faithful men and women who labored tirelessly to establish this sanctuary of worship. Their sacrifices, prayers, and unwavering dedication have paved the way for us to gather here today.

Let us remember that it is not by our might or power, but by the grace of our Almighty God that we have reached this milestone. As we dedicate ourselves anew to His service, may we continue to seek His guidance, wisdom, and strength.

May our church be a beacon of hope, a refuge for the weary, and a place where lives are transformed. Let our worship be genuine, our fellowship warm, and our love for one another unwavering.

As we move forward, let us keep our eyes fixed on Jesus—the Author and Finisher of our faith. May His love compel us to reach out to the lost, minister to the hurting, and serve our community selflessly.

In unity, we find strength. Let us stand together, shoulder to shoulder, as we proclaim the Good News and advance His kingdom. May our efforts bear fruit that brings glory to His name.

Dear brothers and sisters, may the Lord bless our endeavors abundantly. May He multiply our resources, anoint our leaders, and empower every ministry within our church. May souls be saved, lives transformed, and His name exalted.

As we dedicate this place once again, let us echo the words of the psalmist: “Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labor in vain” (Psalm 127:1). Our success lies not in our abilities, but in our surrender to His will.

May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be upon us, guiding our steps, sustaining our efforts, and filling our hearts with joy. Let us continue to press forward, knowing that He who began a good work in us will bring it to completion.

To God be the glory, now and forevermore. Amen.

With love and blessings,

Lifehouse International SDA Church

Wayne Rumambi (Servant Leader, Pioneer & Church planter)