Shawna Ansari, a senior social work major, says being a leader has taught her how to encourage other people to develop their specific skills. Photo courtesy Union College.
Shawna Ansari, a senior social work major at Union College, is a natural leader. She worked at Minnesota’s North Star Camp as a teen and during college became assistant camp director. As head resident assistant in the women’s dorm at Union, Shawna takes every opportunity to support the residence hall RAs and believes it’s important to disciple and mentor others so they can be even better leaders themselves.
While at Union, Shawna has also facilitated Bible study groups and worships, planed campus events, worked on the recruiting team and served as both Social Work Club president and sophomore class president. She is thankful for the many faculty and staff at Union who have been a positive influence in her life and encourages other students to get to know them.
Read the full story at www.ucollege.edu or on pages 8 and 9 of the November 2014 print edition of OUTLOOK.