There is so much I love about springtime.  Warmer days are awesome to be sure!  But I also love the colorful butterflies, blooming trees and the general feeling of the earth coming back to life. 

The animal world also seems to respond to the newness of life in spring.  Chickens are no exception.  Did you know that chickens lay more eggs in the spring than in the winter?  The chicken lays the egg, then sits on it.  With what seems like little effort, 21 days later a new baby chick is hatched.  There is nothing anyone, not even the mother hen, can do to make the egg hatch faster.  Nothing that is, except to wait. 

Waiting on God can be likened to a hen waiting for her eggs to hatch.  The eggs, like our dreams, prayers, and hopes, are laid, filled with potential.  Like the hen we often wait for God to hatch answers to our prayers. Psalm 27:14 says 

“Wait on the Lord; Be of good courage, And He shall strengthen your heart; Wait, I say, on the Lord!” (NKJV).  

Do you still have unfulfilled hopes, dreams, and desires for yourself, family, or church?  What prayers are you waiting for God to hatch for you?

Try this family application tip.  Think for a moment about the prayers you are waiting for God to answer.  Ask the Holy Spirit to eliminate any requests that may be selfish or not according to God’s will.  Write your prayer request on the piece of paper and place it inside of a plastic egg.  Tuck your prayer egg away safely, symbolizing your trust in God to do whatever He thinks is best with those prayers when the time is right.  Return to your prayer egg after several months or years, and you will be amazed how God has worked it all out for you.  Don’t have a prayer egg?  Write your request on an egg-shaped paper.

– Pastor Shawna Henry, Associate Pastor, Piedmont Park Seventh-day Adventist church