In March the Central States Conference Executive Committee made three dynamic personnel decisions that will be a blessing to the conference as it resets for the future of ministry in this territory. In a small conference, it is common for some of the pastors to have dual responsibilities. And when someone is doing something that they are passionate about, it benefits both the entity and the person who is engaged in something they love.

Pastor Trevor Barnes, current pastor of the Northside Church in St. Louis, Missouri, was tapped to serve as the communications director for the CSC. Pastor Barnes has a great work ethic and has a wonderful personality. But more importantly he has developed excellent skills in the area of communications, which in this era includes live streaming, audio and visual technicalities, and digital content. Pastor Barnes was able to lead and complete a full overhaul of everything mentioned above at his local church and we have no doubt he can do that for the entire conference. 

Pastor Byron Wright, current pastor of the New Beginnings Church in Wichita, Kansas, was asked to serve as the associate youth director for the CSC. Pastor Wright, himself a young adult, has always worked closely with the youth and young adults in our conference territory. He is from the St. Louis area and has an inside track in his relationships with the youth and young adults in our conference. In addition, he has worked closely with this demographic under the leadership of former CSC youth directors in this conference. He is excited to work with and for our youth and young adults in this capacity, and help them to fall in love with Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior.

The unique circumstance of some of our CSC pastors being in conference departmental leadership is that the ones who do it well must be committed, dedicated pastors to their members and communities first, but then have the discipline and administrative skills to lead the conference in their areas of giftedness. Not every pastor can pull this off successfully, but we believe that these types of moves are beneficial to the growth of the conference entity, as it does save financially, while the ministry to the entire conference is positively impacted. And at the same time, the pastor is able to thrive and experience fulfillment in their specific area of giftedness. 

New Hire

Finally, Pastor Rodney Valentine is excited to be coming to CSC from the South Atlantic Conference to serve as the pastor of the Palace of Peace Church in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Pastor Valentine is a dynamic preacher and evangelist, but even more, is a humble and loving person who enjoys being connected with his members. With his winning personality, he does a great job ministering to church members of all ages, from youth and young adults to the seasoned saints alike. More importantly he has spent time in the military, which makes him a perfect fit for doing ministry in Colorado Springs, a city with many military bases and personnel. 

As a conference, we are excited about these personnel resets. We believe that the best is yet to come in the areas that have been filled. But we do have some other ministries that need leadership. Thus, we solicit your prayers and support as we seek to find individuals whom God has already pre-ordained and set aside for our conference territory. May we all work diligently to finish the work of spreading the everlasting gospel while it is still day, because night is coming when we won’t be able to work. Come quickly Lord Jesus!

Cryston Josiah is vice president of administration for the Central States Conference.