Lisa Venteicher, a member at LifeSource Adventist Fellowship in Denver, Colorado, has had a growing desire to support and bless moms in their motherhood journey. It has been her goal to create a space for moms that offers encouragement, community and connection in the middle of their busy lives. 

These desires and goals have come to fruition in the LifeSource Mom Heart community. Every Wednesday, moms gather to enjoy tea and Bible study focusing on raising our children to know and love Jesus personally.

“As we grow and learn together through the ups and downs of motherhood, we’re seeking to raise our kids for God’s glory,” shared Venteicher.

Ashley Radu, LifeSource member and hardworking mom of two, shared these thoughts about her time at Mom Heart:

“I’ve really enjoyed the fellowship of Mom Heart Bible study! The discussions that we have are so relevant to me as a mother, and it reminds me that there are other moms working through the same challenges as me!”

Karene Watts, group member and mom of three, shared this when asked how Mom Heart has been a blessing in her life:

“It’s a reset! There are days when I struggle to parent God’s way. It helps me remember my purpose as a mom and how I should guide my kids. I love hearing the experiences of other moms in the group. It really helps me feel capable in this parenting journey.”

Any mom is welcome to join this space for connection and growth. For more information, contact Heidi Carpenter at

Heidi Carpenter is the LifeCycle Coordinator at LifeSource Adventist Fellowship.