In 2 Samuel 23 we learn of a man called Benaiah who did many heroic deeds. One such deed was chasing a lion into a pit on a snowy day and killing it. Benaiah was a person of action who would do whatever he needed to get the job done. A myriad of stories in the Bible are of individuals who answered God’s call without thought of their personal safety, needs or comfort. 

The story of Benaiah is one of my favorites. Of course, one could point to David who took on the challenge of killing Goliath without concern for his own safety, or Esther who risked her life to save her people from extinction without concern for her own wellbeing. Danie showed us how to live a godly life and do what is right even if it means being thrown into a lion’s den, while the woman at the well immediately started telling everyone in town about Jesus and what He did for her. The Bible is replete with examples of fallen and flawed individuals who did the will of God even when they faced hardship and insurmountable odds.

The Calling

I want to invite you to consider what God is calling you to do. What is that still small voice requesting of you? It likely is not asking you to chase a lion into a pit, but it might be risky and require you to be totally committed to the mission like Paul or Esther. 

Why am I asking you to consider your calling? In Matt. 9:37 Jesus said to His disciples, “The harvest is great, but the workers are few.” Right now there is a severe shortage of workers who are willing to answer God’s call to fields that are ripe for the harvest. Adventist education is in jeopardy due to the shortage of teachers, administrators, teacher with studentsstaff members and volunteers in our schools. In the Kansas-Nebraska Conference we have schools that are growing, but will we be able to supply the “workers” Jesus mentioned to meet the demand of the harvest? I know dozens of teachers and administrators who have left the work because of the great demands. I hear a wide variety of reasons, and most center around pursuing an easier and more comfortable life. 

I believe we are living in the last days and Jesus is coming soon. It is essential that we focus on building for eternity and not for an easier and more comfortable life in the here and now. I urge you to listen and answer God’s call – whatever it is. If you feel called to the ministry of education and want to know what steps you would need to take to become a teacher, give me a call at 785.478.4726 or email me at  

If you are a member of another conference, please call or email the education department at your conference. I am confident that for every vacant position in ministry, God has an ideal candidate in mind who has yet to answer the call. Please do not let that be you. I pray that you will carefully consider what God is asking of you.

One snowy day, Benaiah chased a lion into a pit and killed it. What will you do?

Jeff Bovee is education superintendent for the Kansas-Nebraska Conference.


From Jeff: Text as side bar or as text wrap around: “These were his instructions to them: ‘The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields.’” Luke 10:2