On April 17, in spite of rain showers and even hail stones, AdventSource employees, supporters and friends gathered to celebrate the Grand Opening of their new building located on the campus of Union College in Lincoln, Nebraska.

“This has proved to be a win-win situation for all of us,” said Mid-America Union Conference (MAUC) president Tom Lemon during his remarks regarding the building project. Since Lemon chairs the boards of both AdventSource and Union College he is well aware of the needs of each institution. “We wanted to keep AdventSource close to Union College since it employees so many students,” Lemon said. “The long-term land lease accomplished that.”

Gary Bollinger, vice president of finance for Union College, gave a brief history of AdventSource from its humble beginnings in the early 1980s under the leadership of Aleta Hubbard to the large-scale resource center it has now become.

AdventSource’s treasurer, Judy Glass, presented a summary of the timeline of the building project, stating that exactly six months to the day elapsed from the time they broke ground in June until they started moving into the facility a few days before Christmas. AdventSource director Brad Forbes thanked the many individuals, companies and organizations who helped and supported them during the building/moving process. “This would not have happened without Judy,” Forbes said.

Representing the North America Division (NAD) were Elders Dan Jackson, Alex Bryant, Tom Evans, Paul Brantley and Debra Brill. In her remarks, Brill underscored the value to the division of the resources produced by AdventSource. “We are so happy to be in partnership with this organization that produces such high quality resources for our ministries,” Brill said.

Prayers of dedication were offered by Tom Evans, NAD treasurer, Alex Bryant NAD secretary, and Elaine Hagele, MAUC treasurer.

Due to the weather, the event was held in the college gymnasium instead of AdventSource’s parking lot. After the celebration guests were invited to tour the new facility.

For more, visit AdventSource’s Facebook page.

News writer/photographer Brenda Dickerson is managing editor of OUTLOOK magazine.