There are many definitions of the word temple. One of them is a sacred dwelling place. The most obvious definition choice for a Christian is a place where God can dwell.

The first biblical mention of such, was the tabernacle/temple which the Israelite’s built under the architect of God during the exodus from Egypt. it was a very simple construction but one with very exact measurements, best materials and craftsmanship. Only the best is acceptable for God’s temple. The priest entering such a place had to have the purest heart.

Hundreds of years later a luxurious temple was built to honor God. David wanted to show God how grateful he was for the countless blessings shown to him and Israel. He collected the best material to build it, but Solomon was the king who followed through with the plan.

In 1 Cor 6:19 the Lord shares that we are His holy temple. He died for each us which indicates to me we are the holiest of temples on earth because He did not die for anything else.

How do we each take care of our precious temple where God wants to dwell?

He has shown us that only the best should be used in them. Do we get the proper exercise?  Do we get the proper rest?  Do we get the proper amount of fresh air? Do we eat only the best diet that He gave us in Eden?  Do we see and hear proper things? Do we provide a home for Him using the best of what we know and are able to provide? Is it a home for Him that He desires to reside in?

If we can’t answer yes to all of these questions then we are not treating these temples as the best. He has shown us what is acceptable for His temples
I grew up with a clear understanding of our health message and have followed it but I can honestly say I’m not doing the best from this total checklist. My pancreas stopped releasing insulin many years ago. So my healthy diet still had to drastically change as a diabetic. To be honest I’m far from pleased about it even after many years but that doesn’t change the facts of what I have to do for His temple.

How are we taking care of His temple, of His home of which He put us in charge?  Does He say, Thank you, my faithful servant?