Many church leaders, parents and adult members are eager to discover ways to engage and empower young adults in ministry and create meaningful bonds with local church life. But so often, they are at a loss as to where to start or how to begin building relationships. The Young Adult LIFE Tour, which is traveling to each of the nine unions in North America, intends to bring insights and relevant, doable steps toward building young adult ministry now. At the January 26 – 27 tour stop, church members, ministry leaders and young adults from across the Mid-American Union and the North American Division are invited to gather for inspiration and intensive training.

Our overarching goal of this event is to equip the generations with the knowledge and tools for engaging each other.

For registrants, the tour stop will include: practical training, exclusive resources, inspirational worship, ministry networking, Sabbath meals (breakfast first come first serve and lunch is provided). Our keynote speaker is Benjamin Lundquist. Ben is one of the leading voices for young adult ministry in the Seventh-day Adventist Church. He currently serves as the young adult ministries director for the Oregon Conference and also leads innovative projects for the North Pacific Union and North American Division, as well as coaching and mentoring many leaders internationally. He is passionate about inspiring and equipping people (especially university students and young professionals) to become growing followers of Jesus and effective leaders for His cause.

Lundquist frequently speaks on faith and leadership and has worked with many colleges and universities, including the University of Colorado where he recently spoke to the coaches and players of their football program. He also hosts the Rise and Lead podcast, which has been downloaded in 135 countries, providing world class content and conversation to help listeners grow to their next level and expand their impact.

Registration is FREE with the first 50 registrants receiving a digital copy of Young Adult Ministry Now.

Your presence at the Young Adult Life Tour in Lincoln, NE at the College View Church on January 26 – 27, 2024, would be invaluable. It would signify your dedication to prioritizing and supporting intergenerational synergy and collaboration. Reserve your spot today and register at