Gideon Logan is 12 years old and a member of the Wyoming Waldensians. Named after the famous Italian Anabaptists, whose witnessing for Christ became a hallmark of their success, the Wyoming Waldensians also resort to creative methods of witnessing.

Gideon joined eight other Waldensians last summer on a trip to Arizona. Their objective was to conduct a Vacation Bible School as well as evangelistic outreach in Paige, and also do some construction work on the Navajo Reservation.

At Wyoming camp meeting last July, Gideon shared a story with the 200 attendees about a dog that made them opt for an alternative delivery method for a leaflet invitation to a series of meetings.

Accompanied by Pastor Ruben Scherencel, two team members were near a home where they wanted to deliver the invitation to evening meetings, “but there was this dog and we were afraid of it,” Gideon explained. “But we needed to get that leaflet delivered to this house,” he continued.

“I came up with the idea to make a paper airplane and send it over the fence. It was perhaps the worst one I ever did.” Gideon smiled and reported that surprisingly it went straight, landing on the porch.

That evening while talking to a family who attended the meeting he asked how they heard about the program. They replied that they found a paper airplane on their porch!

The Waldensians are just one expression of what Awaken Wyoming is about. Individual congregations in Wyoming are hiring Bible workers and utilizing resources at their disposal. One pastor expressed that it is taking a variety of dedicated lay people—cowboys, housewives, retired teachers and an enthusiastic group of youth—to fulfill what is poignantly expressed in the camp meeting theme song Awaken Wyoming.

Read more camp meeting stories.

Rajmund Dabrowski is communication director for the Rocky Mountain Conference.