Sabbath School Lesson for September 18-24, 2021

Teresa’s YouTube channel about the lesson:

Overview of Lesson 13

To understand our ultimate rest in Christ, we can study…

  • the visions given to John about our future rest in the book of Revelation (Sunday)
  • Jesus’ outline of the events leading to our future rest in Matthew 24 (Monday)
  • our marching orders to ensure eternal rest, given in the three angels’ messages of Revelation 14 (Tuesday)
  • our rest in the grave as we wait for the Second Coming (Wednesday)
  • how to rejoice in our future ultimate rest (Thursday)

There is a desperate need for rest for those living in the end times. We need more than knowing the signs of the end. We must learn to rest in Christ now, in order to enjoy the ultimate rest prepared for us in heaven.

Knowing there is a cosmic battle between good and evil forces in the universe helps us survive the troublesome experiences many are now having on earth. Natural disasters, wars, and civil unrest are increasing at a steady pace, and we are finding it harder and harder to keep our eyes focused on the eternal rest that awaits us at the end.

Memory Text: “But as it is written: ‘Eye has not seen , nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.’ ” 1 Corinthians 2:9 NKJV

The future of this earth looks grim indeed, but the glorious heavenly kingdom that God’s people will enjoy will more than make up for our present sorrows. We have been given glimpses of that future, and must hold onto everything we know about God’s will for us.

Our task is not only to be ready ourselves, but to make others ready. We don’t know everything about God’s timing or even the precise events that will take place, except that it will all work out perfectly, because God determines it. We are in His hands. That alone should give us peace and rest.

Sunday: A Vision of the End

Jesus’ disciple, John, was in his nineties when the Roman authorities had him exiled to the desolate island of Patmos. If there was ever a time when John needed comfort and rest from God, it was no doubt at this time of extreme deprivation. Isolated from all his most valued human contacts and weakened by old age, he was given prophetic visions that encompassed church history, reaching all the way to our final reward and rest with our heavenly Father.

The comfort of God’s promises not only encouraged John in his dreadful circumstances, but his recorded visions have touched the hearts of all those who wait for Christ’s return. The panoramic view he was given of church history has been accurately fulfilled.

The prize he described at the end of his writing is enough to thrill and encourage our hearts today, no matter what we may be going through. Our ultimate rest is guaranteed and as secure as the God who provides it.

Bible Verses to Read and Discuss:

Revelation 1:11

  • What was John told to do with the vision of Christ he was given on Patmos?
  • Who do the seven churches represent?
  • Who has been blessed by the information John received?

Revelation 21:1, 2

  • Besides the view of church history and all the dreadful things that would come upon the earth in the last days, why was this ending probably the most comforting news for John and us today?

Monday: The Countdown (Matthew 24)

Jesus and His disciples looked over Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives. Their Master lamented that someday the temple would be no more, it would be left “desolate”. The disciples were so distraught over this prediction that they asked for more details. They wanted to know when that event would be, and also what sign would they have of His return at the end of the age (Matthew 24:2. 3).

In Matthew 24 we have been given Jesus’ dual answer. Some of the prophecies in this passage refer to Jerusalem’s destruction by the Roman general Titus in 70 A.D., but they also describe signs to look for in the last days before His return.

These signs included areas of:

  1. religion (false teachings and revivals)
  2. international affairs (wars and political unrest)
  3. nature (natural disasters, famine, and disease)
  4. society (crime and immorality)

As these signs increase in both intensity and frequency, we can know that the time of the end is near. The countdown has started and our only hope to survive is to be spiritually ready and help others know the gospel, so they can be ready too.

Bible Verses to Read and Discuss:

Matthew 24:2, 3

  • Did the disciples perhaps think that the temple destruction might have meant the end of the world, and why?

Matthew 24:14 and 28:19

  • Why is it important to spread the gospel, no matter what age we live in?

Tuesday: Marching Orders (Revelation 14)

Revelation, like Matthew 24, provides us with a timeline of events that will identify that we are living in the time of the end. Chapter 14 of Revelation, in the middle of John’s prophetic report, gives us three messages that need to be heard by the whole world just before the Second Coming.

These angelic messages include the need to proclaim that:

  1. God is good (Worship the Creator).
  2. Satan is bad (Babylon is fallen).
  3. We have a choice.

Revelation 14:12 contains the actual “marching orders” for God’s saints, who will carry these messages to the world. It identifies God’s people as those who keep the commandments of God and have faith in Jesus. Our trust in God and obedience to His word will carry us through to the end.

Bible Verses to Read and Discuss:

Revelation 14:6-12 and 2 Peter 1:12

  • Why are these messages in Revelation considered “present truth” by God’s people today?

Wednesday: Rest in Peace

The only way a person can rest in peace after death is for death to consist of an unconscious sleep. And this is how death was described by Jesus. When Lazarus was clearly dead, Jesus said that he was asleep and He would go to wake him. See John 11. His miraculous awakening after being in the tomb four days was proclaimed everywhere as evidence of Jesus’ divine calling and mission.

John 5:28, 29 and Daniel 12:2 both confirm this assessment of death being a sleep. It is a peaceful rest, a momentary pause for our deceased loved ones, until Jesus returns and the plan of salvation is complete. Revelation 20:6 verifies that there will be two resurrections: the first one, providing eternal life, and the second one after the millennium, eternal death.

The only way to prepare for death is to do all we can to further God’s kingdom while we have life. Life, as we know it now, is fragile. All opportunity to serve God will be gone when we are called to our peaceful rest in the grave.

Bible Verses to Read and Discuss:

John 11:43, 44, Mark 5:41, 1 Kings 17:19-23, 2 Kings 4:32-37, and Acts 9:40

  • How was Jesus’ method of raising people from the dead different from others who had been resurrected?

John 5:28, 29 and Revelation 20:6

  • How did calling people from the grave identify Jesus as the Son of God, the Messiah?
  • Why is it important to understand death as an unconscious state of rest or sleep?

Thursday: Rejoice in the Lord Always

In his letter to the Philippian church, Paul counseled them to rejoice in the Lord (Philippians 4:4). But the next few verses tell us how to rejoice. This feeling of joy comes from being gentle, because the Lord is with us. His presence helps us not to be anxious. Instead we are at peace, with a peace that is beyond our understanding. This is possible because Jesus guards our hearts and minds.

Knowing that our loving God is in control and that heaven is waiting to welcome us into His full presence someday is how we can have ultimate rest in the Lord now and always.

Dwelling on God’s goodness, love, and sacrifice leads to rest. The world holds no charm compared to the everlasting mercy that embraces us from God’s throne. Nothing can bring us as much joy and satisfaction as knowing how much God loves us. He is doing all He can to restore our sin-stained world to its former beauty.

It’s hard not to rejoice when we consider our bright future in the new earth.

Bible Verses to Read and Discuss:

Philippians 4:4-6

  • What should we do besides rejoicing, and how do these activities lead to joy?

Romans 12:9-13

  • How does having and showing love bring us joy?

Friday: Final Thoughts

Many become distracted by signs in the political and religious world beyond what has been clearly revealed. This may cause them to focus on Satan’s agenda, rather than God’s. Satan uses our tendency to be attracted to the sensational and ugly parts of life, which leads to our unrest.

Instead of doing this, we must resist the urge to take our eyes off God’s will and our mission to share the gospel. Our mission is not just to share our ideas about what the mark of the beast is or isn’t. Instead we must share the gospel, which is the good news of Christ’s sacrifice for us. Having this mission is the only way to have God’s ultimate rest.

To do this, our line of communication with God must always be open. Prayer (talking to God) and Bible study (God talking to us) should be an ever growing part of our spiritual life. Especially in the last days before Christ’s return, when our ultimate, eternal rest begins.

Next Week: Preamble to Deuteronomy

To read the Sabbath School Lesson Quarterly or see more resources for its study, go to