Sabbath School Lesson for November 28-December 4, 2020

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In consideration of the arts and sciences, we note these observations…

  • There IS a God! (Sunday)
  • God is good and beautiful, as seen through the arts and sciences. (Monday)
  • There are experts in error in these fields, however, who seek to draw us away from God. (Tuesday)
  • There is a way to be wise and tell the difference between the truth and error. (Wednesday)
  • God personally tells us about Himself, just like He did with Job, through nature and the Scriptures. (Thursday)


Much of what is taught in educational settings falls under the category of the arts and sciences. Both disciplines depend heavily on whether God is recognized or not.

Having a biblical perspective and worldview is, of course, what we expect out of our Christian education institutions. But we must be aware that not all learning takes place there. It is important that all of us understand the issues involved and use this knowledge to maintain and even expand our awareness of God’s presence in our lives.

Memory Text: “The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows His handiwork.”  Psalm 19:1 NKJV

Seeing God in the natural world comes relatively easy. Even the sky above can be enjoyed as a beautiful piece of artwork by our Creator. Things we observe in nature encourage us to declare God’s glory, to praise His magnificent handiwork.

But equally important is a close examination of God’s word. The Bible must be taken seriously and studied diligently, if we are to remain faithful to our Creator. We find in its pages just how involved God is with His creation.

Sunday: The Lord Alone

One of the most rewarding observations that confirms the existence of God is the unborn child. As that one fertilized egg grows right below the beating of the mother’s heart, we are reminded of our closeness to God’s heart. As that tiny baby develops, the mother is constantly aware of its presence with her enlarged abdomen right there in front of her at all times. God’s attentive eye is also on each and every creature in the universe. He never forgets that we are here.

Many other aspects of nature remind us of God’s wonderful creative powers. Even with the changes in our world since sin was introduced, we can still see the Father’s handiwork and praise His love for our tiny planet.

The difference between Christian education and worldly education starts quite simply with a denial of the existence of a supernatural being. We must constantly uphold our belief in God’s total participation in the creation of everything. Our faith need not waver when we continue to praise God’s goodness and power.

Bible Verses to Consider:

Psalm 19:1-6

  • How do the heavens alone testify of God?
  • Do they make us seem closer or more far away from Him?

Nehemiah 9:6

  • How do the earth and the sea also testify of God?

Romans 1:18-21

  • How do we see in this passage the unfortunate possibility of not recognizing God in the natural world?

Monday: The Beauty of Holiness

There are several things to keep in mind when considering “the beauty of holiness”, spoken of in Psalm 96:9, and other verses, such as 1 Chronicles 16:29. For those who study the arts and sciences, it should be noted that…

  • seeing the beauty in our world today helps us imagine and long for what it was like before sin, and how it will be in the earth made new
  • studying creation includes learning more about our identity as His children, because we are part of that creation
  • what is most attractive to God is the beauty of character (even the flower shows us the value of simplicity and purity)
  • not all that is beautiful is good or holy (the forbidden fruit, for instance)

Bible Verses to Consider:

Psalm 96:9 and 1 Chronicles 16:29, 30

  • To whose holiness do these verses point?

Ephesians 6:5, 6

  • How do these verses inform us on what it means to tremble before God?
  • What part does obedience have with this “trembling”?

Tuesday: Experts in Error

As many have found, there are experts in the arts and sciences who have been wrong. Wrong about God’s existence, or even wrong about how they have interpreted God’s involvement. These experts include artists, authors, philosophers, but also scientists, industries, institutions, and the media.

1 Timothy 6:20 warns us to avoid “idle babblings and contradictions”. Paul says this is “falsely called knowledge”. Only by immersing ourselves in the word of God with the aid of the Holy Spirit, will we be able to decipher the confused messages of the so-called experts in the world.

We are especially told to be content with what we have. The love of money and the false allure of riches can lead to false lines of thinking and many lustful behaviors. “Godliness with contentment” is what we should value and strive for. Food and clothing are all that are really needed of the world’s goods. Striving for more can get us into trouble. See 1 Timothy 6:6-10. Remember the commandment, “Thou shalt not covet” (Exodus 20:17).

Bible Verses to Consider:

1 Timothy 6:3-5

  • What are some of the ways to identify false experts?

1 Timothy 6:6-10

  • Why is contentment so valuable in our relationship with God?

1 Timothy 6:11, 12, 17-19

  • What are some ways to combat greed in our lives?

Wednesday: Foolishness and Wisdom

Proverbs 1 sets the stage for Solomon’s book of wise sayings. It reveals that there is wisdom, but there is also foolishness. Without God, knowledge and talent don’t amount to much and should not be trusted. Only by including God in our search for answers can we fully bring about all the benefits that wisdom has to offer. See Proverbs 1:7.

Unwise friends will encourage us to engage in risky behaviors. But God’s Spirit informs us of right and wrong, if we listen to His voice. Knowing the difference between good and evil will make us wise and keep us from being fools. That should be and is the main purpose we have for having wisdom–to know truth from error. Having knowledge alone can lead to dangerous results.

There is a need to keep asking questions, but also a need to go to the right source for answers. According to Solomon, that source is God’s word, His Spirit, and friends who have chosen to follow God.

Bible Verses to Consider:

Proverbs 1:7

  • Why is “beginning” with God mentioned, as opposed to just “including” God? What is the difference, and how does it make a difference in our search for wisdom?

Proverbs 1:23

  • How do God’s Spirit and His word provide us with the wisdom we need?

Proverbs 1:28, 29

  • How is it possible to love knowledge, but still not choose God? What is so attractive about knowledge itself?

Thursday: The Lord Answered Job

Job had every right to question God after his life was turned upside down by Satan. Many times, life also makes no sense to us. Our trials here on earth are enough to make all of wonder if God really cares.

Even after Job’s accusatory, angry questions though, God comes back with a gentle, but firm, reminder of His superior power, seen everywhere in our created world. See Job 38.

God reminded Job that He was still at work, sustaining all the natural world that surrounded him. We, too, can be reminded of God’s sustaining powers as we observe and gain knowledge in the fields of arts and sciences. The beauty and complexity of the natural world should bring us ever closer to knowing God. He alone has the answer to every dilemma and hardship Satan has thrown at us.

Bible Verses to Consider:

John 5:17

  • How does this verse remind us that God’s work was not done after He spoke our world into existence?
  • What kind of work does God still do for us?

Job 38:1, 2 Kings 2:11

  • Why was a whirlwind chosen to describe God’s presence to both Job and Elisha? What does a whirlwind tell us about God’s power?

Job 38:2-7

  • What kind of answers was God expecting from Job?

Friday: Conclusion

Satan takes pleasure in twisting and confusing us in even the basic things in life. The study of art and science are both pretty basic. God has blessed mankind with a creative nature, a love of beauty and a desire to replicate it–and with inquisitive, scientific minds that are able to make sense of and improve our existence through innovative discoveries and inventions.

The arts and sciences, however, can only go so far in improving our lives, when God is left out of the picture (art) and the equation (science). We must have a scriptural understanding of our origins and of how God continues to sustain our universe, if we are to make the most of these wonderful avenues of study.

Having a biblical perspective and worldview is important for every Christian educational institution. But it is also important to those not involved in education, because the arts and sciences affect all of our lives in one way or another.

How we see the world and how we understand the world are reflected in the arts and sciences. What a blessing they can be, if we allow them to showcase God’s handiwork and bring us closer to Him.

Next Week: The Christian and Work

To read the Sabbath School Lesson Quarterly or see more resources for its study, go to