Having a Child’s Perspective

Jesus, as a child of twelve years, once sat in the center of a room of religious teachers where He was listening, asking, and answering questions (Luke 2:46, 47).

Later, as an adult, full of wisdom and grace, He stood in the center among grown men, His disciples. They had been disputing among themselves about who should be the greatest and rebuking those who brought children to have Jesus bless them.

Jesus ended up admonishing His disciples, telling them that to be great they must become like humble, little children. (Mark 9:34, 36-37 and Mark 10:13-16). In addition, He instructed them to receive children on His behalf (Luke 18:16, 17). This meant they should be ready to give an answer, if they were asked a question from a child (1 Peter 3:15). Jesus, who had Himself asked questions as a child, was now the one giving the most comprehensive answer as to how to receive the kingdom of heaven. And it was all about children.

Perhaps Jesus even told those children gathered about Him of the time when He was a child and asked adults some questions too.

Never Too Busy

Today, He tells us not to get too busy working for Jesus that we, like the disciples back then, forget to ask Him questions in prayer. Jesus is sure to answer at just the right time. His answers and timing are always perfect! If Jesus asked questions as a child, you certainly can become like a child and ask them too.

It’s normal for children to eagerly ask questions and they desperately need answers. Jesus invites you to have the same trust-like enthusiasm of an inquisitive child, and come with great expectation that your questions will be answered.

Keep Asking Questions

At times, we have all come to Jesus with childlike faith, but we need to keep coming and not stop along the way. If you have stopped coming to Jesus, He’s waiting for you to pick up right where you left off in your relationship with Him.

If you have a question for Jesus, there’s no better time than now to start asking Him for the answer; for no question is ever too big for God. Jesus can be trusted, being for you and not against you. He’s known you even before you were in your mother’s womb and has all the answers you need for life. (Jeremiah 1:5, Jeremiah 29:11, Psalm 139:1-7).

[This article was written by Scott Holder and Teresa Thompson. See more of Scott’s articles in Outlook. Scott also has a book, “Speaking in Tongues: My Personal Journey” which is sold on Amazon.]