Forty students, faculty, sponsors and community professionals recently returned from serving the Kiryandongo Settlement Camp of Uganda. Along with holding medical clinics, Vacation Bible School programs and educational activities, the group also built a basketball court the community can enjoy for years to come.

An exploratory trip included Kim Busl of Outposts Center International and a team from Rolfson Oil, who traveled to the camp to determine the needs in the community. While there, they discovered that the refugee population of close to 100,000 were using a line court for their games. Because of this, Mile High Academy, OCI, and Rolfson Oil worked collaboratively to build the basketball court.

After completion, both children and adults flocked to the court to enjoy the finished product, including MHA students and faculty. They gathered teams of locals for drills and pick-up games.

Even MHA principal Toakase Vunileva took to the court, joining one of the teams and playing alongside the locals in an exciting game. This illustrated the camaraderie demonstrated by this mission. Every team member played an important role, with no job too big or too small.