Three young ladies and two brothers of the Iowa-Missouri Conference have flourished spiritually and are bearing beautiful fruit today because as young teenagers they chose to delight themselves in the Lord.

Encircling these five new converts are leaders of the It Is Written SALT program. The three girls in the inner circle graduated from SALT in December of 2022 and were baptized about one week later. One of the girls is a sibling of the two brothers. Her older brother graduated from SALT in the fall of 2021 after he graduated from Sunnydale Adventist Academy. Her younger brother is currently a student at SAA and began Bible studies last year. He joined his sister in Tennessee in December 2022 so they could be baptized together.

Surrounding our younger and older teens with the blessings of love and light is a great way to help them learn to delight in the Lord. These five young people literally had their first contacts with Seventh-Day Adventist Christians in Kansas City on either a street corner, or on a street between apartment buildings, or on the grounds of an apartment complex where an outdoor VBS was being held. God knows how to direct His witnesses to the very streets and homes where individuals and families need help and are hoping for it.

Jesus positioned Himself in Capernaum so He could meet people. That city, well-traveled, became known as “His own city” (Matt. 9:1). Jesus must be working in Kansas City, too. Wonderful young people are meeting Him there, and that’s so delightful!

“Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.” Ps. 37:4

Gail Coridan is women’s and health ministries director and prayer coordinator for the Iowa-Missouri Conference.