“Whoever receives this child in My name receives Me; and whoever receives Me receives Him who sent Me; for he who is least among you, this is the one who is great” (Luke 9:48).

I watch my kids like a hawk when we’re at someone’s house. “Don’t touch that.” “Be careful.” “That’s not ours.” You know those repeated drills of a cautious mother. God forbid that they should hurt something on my watch. Especially not in God’s house.

On one occasion, my boys and I were chatting in the church kitchen before the Bible study luncheon. Everything was prepared and we were just passing the time. While trying to enjoy adult interaction, I was in “mommy mode.” Little hands seemed to be everywhere. I flitted around trying to anticipate their next moves.

“Oh no, honey, that’s not ours. This is the church’s kitchen.” My phrase carousel had gotten around to that one, with special emphasis on respecting God’s things. My pastor spoke up then, right away. You know what she said? “This is your kitchen. This is their place. It’s OK, Mom. The church is theirs too.”  Unto the least of these…

Do you realize the liberty I received in that moment? I was released to be at home in my church, with my kids, none the less! In one gentle statement I was reminded of so much. We are the church. God does dwell especially in this precious place. Where better to spend time? Where better to invest my gifts? Where better to bring my children?

God’s house is a “house of prayer,” Jesus said. He gathered the little ones close to Himself in that house. I’m sure their mothers were close by, one by one releasing anxious breaths as they began to experience an acceptance they weren’t used to feeling in church. Perhaps Jesus caught a surprised glance. I see His kind eyes and a slight nod of understanding saying, “It’s OK, Mom. It’s their house too.”


Welcome to Grace Notes for Moms: a new series of encouragement for mothers, who are also daughters of the King of Kings.