Elder Ted Struntz has accepted the invitation of the Dakota Conference to serve as the camp director, youth and young adult director, and also lead Pathfinders and Adventurers. He began his new role in February.

Born in New York and raised in several states across the Mid-west, Struntz is the son of an Adventist evangelist and spent his childhood traveling around the country witnessing firsthand the impact of ministry. His goal in life was to become a medical doctor but while leading a spiritual retreat during his senior year at Laurelbrook Academy, felt the unmistakable call to ministry. He studied theology at Southern Adventist University and during this time spent a year in Loveland, Colorado, as the youth pastor for the Campion Academy Church. It was during his time in Colorado that he developed a special burden for young people.

Weeks after graduation, Struntz married Lynnette Aldridge, the daughter of an Adventist pastor. Their first post was at a church in Georgia at which time he began a Master of Divinity and Lynnette worked at the conference office as managing editor in the communication department. The couple later moved to Michigan, where Ted attended seminary at Andrews University and Lynette began her masters in English.

Over the last 21 years of ministry, their family has pastored in Georgia, Tennessee, Alabama, and Oregon. Struntz has written curriculum for two VBS programs, penned a Q&A column for Kids Ministry Ideas magazine, and directed the Review and Herald’s VBS “Go Fishin” Mission Adventure Camp DVD. He has served as a chaplain for the Knox County sheriff’s department and ran the Teen Zone for the last three Pathfinder Camporees in the Southern Union.

As a child, Struntz attended summer camp at Mohaven in Ohio. He spent five summers working at Nosoca Pines Ranch in Liberty Hill, South Carolina, as well as serving as camp pastor at several summer camps across the division.

Struntz recently pastored the Rockwood Seventh-day Adventist Church in Portland, Oregon, and Lynnette currently teaches English at Portland Adventist Academy. The couple’s eldest daughter, Liz, is almost finished with her sophomore year and has spoken several times for PAA’s Student Week of Worship. The couple’s younger daughter, Katherine, is a sixth-grader who loves to cook and bake. Both daughters play volleyball. The family includes a four-pound Yorkie named Charlie.

Struntz’ family will finish the 2021-2022 school year in Portland before joining him in the Dakotas.

Pastor Ted is eager to join the Dakota Conference team and is most excited about working with the kids and staff at summer camp. He looks forward to helping Pathfinders grow in the Dakotas as well as encouraging churches to involve the youth and get to know them on a personal level.