Share the Christmas Spirit with your community, church and family!

by Amy Prindle

Church members are usually quite active during the Christmas season—caroling,

distributing literature, sharing food, etc. Why not combine these activities?

 Have members submit their favorite holiday recipes and compile them into a

Christmas Cookbook by [your name] Church.

 Include the cookbook in a small basket with hot chocolate or apple cider packets.

 Add to the basket excerpts of the Christmas story from the Gospels, along with Steps to Christ.

 Distribute these baskets to your community while caroling.

Christmas socials and concerts can bring the church family together (plus provide

opportunities to bring guests).

 Simply getting together for hot chocolate, scripture readings, personal testimonies or worship

reflections provides time for fellowship and can refresh a church’s family spirit.

 Holiday talent shows are a great way to celebrate Christmas cheer and praise God for the

special abilities He has given people in your church.

The holidays give opportunities for families to grow in closeness.

 Keep family holiday letters alive! Stay in touch with relatives and close friends.

 Reserve time for family Bible study about the Christmas message and its meaning for us today.

 Take this opportunity to start or pass on family traditions. Teach the kids how to make

Grandma’s Christmas cookies. Have Dad read a worship story before presents are opened.

Have a circle of prayer before Christmas dinner.

 Include in your family’s traditions single people and others who live alone.

Guest author Amy Prindle is a wife, mother and manager of her own graphic design business.

These suggestions first appeared in the December 2005 edition of  Outlook magazine.