At the request of the Nebraska Emergency Management Agency and Nebraska VOAD (Volunteer Organizations Active in Disaster), the Adventist Disaster Response team for the Kansas-Nebraska Conference is on location to assist with relief efforts following the June 16 EF4 twin tornados that wiped out most of the community of Pilger, Nebraska.
According to John Treolo, director of Adventist Community Services for Kansas-Nebraska, a distribution center is operating in Wisner, some eight miles from Pilger. Thanks to the generosity of nearby communities and national sponsors, supplies and donations continue to pour into the center.

A distribution center operating in nearby Wisner offers assistance to families affected by the storm.
One man from Omaha arrived today with a car load of women’s clothing from his late wife, who passed away last November. They had been married 53 years. “I can think of no better place for these clothes to go than for the people of Pilger,” he said with tears in his eyes.
Another woman, who lost her home, said, “This is overwhelming for my friends to do this for us. These items are very helpful. We will bounce back.”

The disaster response team: Doyle and Karen Petersen (far left); five members from the Norfolk Church, 30 miles from Pilger; and John Treolo, ACS director for the Kansas-Nebraska Conference.
Treolo noted that this has been a very smooth running operation. “City leaders in Wisner and ACS volunteers are working hand-in-hand for the good of the people who lost much of their belongings a week ago,” Treolo said. “I am very proud of our volunteers who continue to work 12-hour shifts in the center. Those affected by the disaster are very appreciative.”
How you can help
There is not currently a need for more volunteers or supplies. However, if you’d like to donate financial resources to ongoing relief efforts, please contact your local conference office and/or local Adventist Community Service Disaster Response (ACS DR) coordinator. Funds should be marked “Adventist Community Services” to ensure they get to the proper location. It is also possible to donate through the NAD here.
If you are unaffiliated with ACS DR click here for a listing of agencies, what they do and how to join.