In the workplace, we do better work when we have a purpose behind it. When we have an identity our work has an identity. When we have a place, we have a space to do what we are passionate about and what we are good at. When we know who we are and what we want, we are better able to be who we are and do what we want.

Sabbath gives us an entire day, actually 1/7 of our entire life, to find the space for ourselves–for who we are in Christ.

And who we are in Christ is who we truly are.

I’ve found recently a new meaning to Sabbath. For myself and for God’s people in general.

When Adam and Eve left the garden (Genesis) their lives were ruptured, changed forever, and yet they still had Sabbath. It was a day Hallowed by God in celebration of what He had done–who He is.

So they could continue this Sabbath practice, despite where they were (because they were no longer in Eden).

In keeping the Sabbath, they could remember in those moments Who made them and what He thought of them.

So fast forward to Exodus where we see the Israelites in Egypt. They are enslaved for hundreds of years and unable to worship in the way their people were accustomed to.

Then Moses and Aaron follow God’s guidance and play a role in getting the Israelites out of Egypt, so that they suddenly have the freedom to practice Sabbath again.

God commands them to remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.

In keeping the Sabbath, the Israelites remembered Who liberated them and why.

It was because of who they were–His chosen. And who He was–their Liberator.

So now we’ve come to you and me today. We get a Sabbath day each week just like every human has had the opportunity since the beginning of time on earth. We have traditions and worship attached to our Sabbaths and we have expectations.

We have expectations of ourselves that affect everything we do–including rest, worship, and how we relate to others (including G0d and ourselves).

There is quite a chicken and egg dilemma when it comes to our identity in Jesus and how we celebrate Sabbath.

Which comes first: who we are or what we do?

Which comes first: how we love God or how we love ourselves?

Which comes first: how we practice Sabbath or how we love God?

Do you know who you are?

Think about who you are to your mom or dad. My mom and dad see the absolute best in me. They know me. They see me for who I am and not what I do. First and foremost I am their daughter.

This is how God sees me–not by what I do, how I behave, mistakes I’ve made–but as His daughter.

Too often we remember He is the King, but forget the King is a Father. He leads us through the rough waters, through the high grasses, through the dark forest. He takes us by the hands because we are His. 

Thank God for that.