For the second year, Wichita South Church hosted a women’s conference founded by IF: Gathering (an organization who exists to equip women with gospel-centered resources, events and community so they may learn more about who God is and disciple other women right where they are). The term “IF” was taken on because “what IF God is real?”

This conference is a live event hosted in Dallas, Texas. Our IF: Wichita South event on March 24-25 was an IF: Local event, hosted right here at our church that was a video streamed conference featuring speakers such as Jennie Allen, Bianca Olthoff, Christine Caine, Mark Comer, Sadie Robertson Huff and many more. It was amazing to be able to offer all these speakers (via video) to our community of women ranging from young high school ladies to wise grandmothers.

Each speaker focused on Psalm 23. We gained a new perspective and value to an old favorite passage of Scripture that many of us have known by heart for years. We were reminded that the Lord is our Shepherd…He chooses to care for us, and because of this, we lack for nothing. We have all we need. He restores us. We can dwell in Him.

Our theme verse was Isa. 37:1-2 which states that even in the wilderness and dry land, we will see the goodness of God. And did we ever see His goodness! It was such a blessing to be surrounded by women of our very own church family and our guests as we dove into the Word together.  The room was charmingly decorated with a desert theme and beautifully lit making it easy and inviting to enter a position of worship. Our meals were indeed delightful spreads of delicious eats. Each participant received a swag bag with sweet reminders of the event. We even had a photo booth donated to us to add a little bit of fun! The ladies who came together to create a room fit for worship to feed our souls, our relationships with one another, and our bellies did a stunning job! Our cup truly runneth over!

Lynnette Faber is the Wichita South Seventh-day Adventist Church administrative assistant.