RMCNews – Denver, Colorado … The 2020 Excellence in Communication Ministry award was presented on Wednesday, November 18, to Rajmund Dabrowski, RMC communication director, at the communicators year-end meeting of Mid-America Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.

Introducing the award Brenda Dickerson, MAUC communication director said, “the Mid-America Union Communication Department is pleased to present its Excellence in Communication Ministry award during our gathering today.”

“This award is being given annually to an individual in our territory based on their dedication to fulfilling the mission of the Adventist Church, their creativity, collaboration, and innovation in addressing communication challenges.”

Already displaying photographic skills, Rajmund began his journalism career more than 50 years ago by joining the editorial team of his high school student paper in communist Poland, which was, at the time, a difficult yet cutting edge production. From a young age, he had a passion to serve others and to treat others as he would like to be treated.

“My love was for the Polish language and for history and it seemed being a part of history [in Poland] and being involved in communication was a natural thing,” Dabrowski reflected on his beginnings.   “When the first student issue came out, we were proud of our achievement. We walked with our heads held high and pretended to be real journalists. Once a month, we went to a well-known café to plan for the following issues.  At a table next to ours sat a gentleman who, we discovered, was a famous journalist. He introduced himself to us and asked what we were editing. As we chatted, he gave us tips on how to survive the stormy weather under communism.”

Rajmund begin his ministry in the Adventist church as editor and manager of the Signs of Times Publishing House located in Warszawa. After 13 years in publishing, he was elected to serve as communication director for the Trans-European Division. In 1993, he was invited to the General Conference as communication director, where he served till 2010.

His excellence in communication and his love for others and for service is evident to the many who have worked with Dabrowski over the years.

“Working with Ray Dabrowski has been one of the highlights of my church employment. If there was one word to describe Ray, it would be ‘professional.’ Everything he does is executed at the highest level. His passion for pushing the Adventist Church in the area of communication is exemplary. The high standards he holds for himself and the organization he represents is a model for all communicators,” Dan Weber, North American Division communication director said. “Congratulations, Ray, for being honored by your colleagues. There is no greater honor.”

Weber’s comments are echoed by many of Dabrowski’s current and former colleagues.

“Congratulations Ray! Polish fantasy and American style, is a recipe for success,” said Jan Kot, director of Hope Channel Poland.

Kermit Netteburg, former North American Division communication director said, “Well deserved, my friend. You have been a standard bearer for excellence in communication for a long time.”

“I’m privileged to not only work with him, learn from him, but most importantly, I’m honored to call him a friend,” Jon Roberts, RMC media/communication assistant.

“Ray’s list of professional accomplishments is long and impressive, and it is an honor to add to his collection of awards this token of our appreciation for his dedicated and creative service in the Mid-America Union,” Dickerson commented.

“I admire Ray so much as a communication professional,” said Andy Nash, who worked with Dabrowski at the General Conference as well as Rocky Mountain Conference. “I love his sense of balance, his respect for all people, and the way he’s mentored so many young people through the years.”

“Working for Ray was the highlight of my career,” expressed Carol Bolden, RMC communication assistant before her retirement in 2019. “He creates a camaraderie in the workplace that promotes creativity and freedom yet maintains a high standard for the art. His productions are always on the cutting edge of Adventist culture as he encourages readers to think and to represent Jesus more fully. A number of young people in communication today were mentored by him and are making their own mark on the field. We’re all indebted to his vision.”

Ed Barnett, RMC president said, “Congratulations, Ray. We are proud of you for the tremendous job you do for our conference. I am not surprised that you received this prestigious award. We see your excellence in communication, we are enriched by the global vision you bring to us, we see the quality that you put into all of the different communications the church releases, whether it be the Mountain Views, the weekly NewsNuggets or the items you put on Facebook. Ray you are a blessing to our conference. Well done!”

Dabrowski is humbled by the dozens of comments left on his Facebook page. “Naturally, it was a nice moment to experience, especially a recognition to aim for excellence in what one does in communication. This is a recognition of those who helped me to aim for excellence, and of those young professionals who make us ‘present-truth’ Christians,” he commented

–Photo by Jon Roberts