The Minnesota Conference team gathered for a special consecration service on Oct. 22, 2022, focused on recommitting to service in Jesus Christ. Our officers, president Daniel Honoré, VP for administration Eric Mokua, and VP for finance Gayln Bowers, received charges from Mid-America Union administration and signed pledges to put Christ first in everything they do as they serve God in Minnesota.

G. Alexander Bryant, president of the North American Division, shared a homily that inspired church workers to depend on Jesus in our efforts to win souls for Him. We were blessed with special music from various church groups: One Voice Ministry, a children’s choir from Kenyan Community Church; Chosen Generation, a music group from various Spanish speaking congregations; the young adult praise team from Pathways Adventist Church; and finally, the children’s choir from Southview Adventist Church. Sean Lee, pastor of Southview Adventist Church, coordinated the music and led in congregational singing.

A variety of incredible church pastors and leaders from across North America attended and participated in the service. The theme “Jesus our North Star” led the way as pastors, teachers and conference office personnel were challenged and charged to lead with Christ at the center.

As the program concluded, Dr. Honoré responded to the charges given and shared his vision for moving Minnesota forward in mission. The service was a high day, resulting in attendees leaving revitalized for ministry and excited for God’s leading.