A snafu. A hiccup. A roadblock. A curve ball. Call it what you will but an unexpected turn of events can throw off the best of us. At these times I want to just find a way around the issue as fast as I can and MOVE ON. It’s highly uncomfortable to be stalled in the traffic of life when I finally get some direction and am going someplace. Finally. Now to be stuck again. I don’t like it. There must be another way. Slam! The shut doors of providence or oppression block me in on all sides. Now, what?!

“David was deeply distressed….and he found strength keeping His trust in God.”

David was greatly distressed because the men were talking of stoning him; each one was bitter in spirit because of his sons and daughters. But David found strength in the LORD his God. 1 Sam. 30:6

While confusion abounds I take comfort in knowing that I am not alone at this impasse. I am being guided by unseen hands and the loving heart of God Almighty. He is not phased by any of this. His strength girds me up. I can face this with Him.

For now, I rest. Waiting the next cue. Not trying to bully my way over the top. Not trying to underestimate the challenge. Not avoiding the inevitable. I stay put, until called forward. Led through whatever terrain is next. It might be scary. I shout faith to drown out my fears. But I’m also on the lookout for the beauty around me on this joyful journey that I began many years ago. Truly, what a beautiful day. If I can take refuge in the Guide, even with all the risk around me, then I can keep a’going. Through. Always through.

Some years ago I discovered this cute little video with my preschooler. I am so proud of God for teaching me right along with the children. So many times the double messages come through loud and clear, rescuing me from the trajectory of my own wanderings. God is so generous with His help. Using creative communication. He loves us THAT much. Enjoy!

“But this God is our God forever and ever. He will be our Guide even unto death.” Psalm 48:14


We’re Going On A Bear Hunt-Children’s Rhyme


And then there’s also this beautiful song about how God brings us THROUGH.

God Leads His Dear Children Along-Jennifer LaMountain
