The Central States Conference Women’s Ministry department for the Rocky Mountain region hosted a women’s conference titled Me Too, But… in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Keynote speaker Pastor Hyveth Williams presented about putting aside childish behaviors.

Williams asked, “Why are we so fearful of everything—women preaching, drums, you name it? Perfect love drives out all fear. If fear exists in our lives, it is a childish thing that Satan causes, and God’s love can drive away. When we are humbled in the presence of God, we know our size.”

She went on to explain that we are experts at fussiness. “We are not infants. Take a good look at yourself right here and admit we are clinging to childish things,” said Williams. “That could be jealousy, envy, anger, or gossiping. Let’s give those up. Our children grow up and run from the church because of our foolishness.”

Pastor Williams ended with a word—Tetelestai—meaning paid in full, or it is finished. The Greek word, which according to St. John, are the last words of Jesus on the cross, was the charge to women to say it is finished.

Special thanks to the guest speakers and Pastor Jaden Miller at the Palace of Peace Church for opening their doors to hold this conference.