I have been thinking a lot about construction lately. It’s hard not to, what with all the closed roads around our church and city the last few months.  I was driving down the street a couple of weeks ago–thankful I’d found one that wasn’t closed–and found myself saying, “I can deal with holes and bumps, patches and rough places; it’s not a big deal.  I have learned where they are, so I just avoid them and go on.  I’d rather swerve than deal with the hassles of construction.”  However, there are time when I’m rushing down a street, not paying attention, and I forget to avoid some big hole and hit the bump going too fast and wonder about the damage I have done to my car.

I got to thinking about our lives, especially the times when we go along and just patch up our wounds by ourselves in an effort to avoid major construction.  Sometimes we hurt others:  when people encounter our holes and poorly constructed patches.  After a time our family and friends learn to avoid the bumps or miss the places in our lives that might cause them damage.  Sometimes they forget to avoid those places, and we hurt or injure them.  Or perhaps it is someone who doesn’t know us well enough to know there are places in our lives they need to avoid.  Much injury is caused by those places we try to fix.

When a road is rebuilt, the first step is for huge machines to break up the old, worn road so a new, smooth, safe one can be built in its place.  Sometimes God has to do that in our lives; events, illnesses, and hard times break us, and it is out of that brokenness that God can build a whole new road.  He will build one that is smooth and quiet, beautiful, and easy to drive on with little fear of hitting bumps or patched spots.  When God does major work in our lives we are safer and gentler on those who encounter us.  We are safer for our family and friends, because there is a whole new road built of love, mercy and grace.  So, I guess I don’t mind those construction sights after all.


Photo credit:  sxc.hu, sundstrom